The Science of Energy Medicine


Sometimes we need to understand the science behind things before we can believe them. So here is your science lesson for the day! We learned in school that everything is energy. Although I’m not sure I was paying attention that day, or any day really. Science was not my thing as a kid. Obviously now I find it fascinating and wish I had paid more attention back then. So am I totally about to geek out on you right now… 

So anyway, everything is energy. That energy is vibrating at different frequencies, and that frequency is what makes it what it is. Some energy is invisible like electricity, X-rays, soundwaves, wind and heat. We can’t see it, but it’s very much there. We can feel it.

energy bodies

Our bodies are also energy in physical form. Our thoughts and emotions are in invisible form. All of which are vibrations of energy with their own frequency. Our health greatly depends on the quality of energy that flows through and makes up our bodies.

If we have trapped emotional energy and mental programming, then that is now contributing to our physical symptoms and imbalances. We have also unconsciously built heart walls around our hearts. (93% of us have!) Thankfully, they served as our protection at the time we needed them to and relied on, for our survival!! Now, those same things that protected us then, could be numbing us from happy feelings too. Feeling closed off, isolated and disconnected. By releasing these, we can realize that life is so much better when experienced with an open heart.

heart energy

There is a lot of science around the brain and the heart: Connecting the heart rate variability, negative emotions, heart coherence, the nervous system and how it all associates with disease. Chronic issues can be an indication that the healing process is stuck in some way. When I work with you, I am looking for these imbalances responsible for stagnation. Once released, your body immediately begins the healing process and starts to heal again.

I do this through muscle testing, which is a form of kinesiology used by chiropractors and doctors since the 1940’s. Our bodies are naturally drawn to positivity and pull away from negativity. Or true versus false. Just like plants grow towards sunlight. We can detect these responses by testing the shift within the muscles.

energy of subconscious mind

We use muscle testing to access the subconscious mind. Which is 99% of our intelligence. It’s our own personal Google search. A truth detector. It knows everything about our inner workings. It knows what is wrong and what we need, to heal. It connects all the dots. We are giving the subconscious mind a voice, so it can speak and tell its story and what it really needs.

energy medicine
the science of energy medicine

We are finally coming back to what Albert Einstein, Hippocrates, Sir Isaac Newton and Thomas Edison already knew and could see for the future of medicine. In fact, 50% of medical schools were alternative healing schools, prior to 1910.

My goal is to help balance the communication within the body, boost the immune system and release the emotional energy that blocks you from living life to the fullest, filled with love, joy and connection. We think that the struggle is normal, but actually, we ARE meant to live vibrant, healthy lives, free of struggle!!

I’d love to help you with this! You can contact me at, learn more here, find pricing and promos here, and read testimonials here. Ready to book a session? You can do that here. I look forward to hearing from you!

Information provided by the teachings of Dr. Bradley Nelson, The Emotion Code and The Body Code.

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