Create a Clean Slate

clean slate

Creating a clean slate… This is exactly what I have been doing over the past week. We ripped up the carpet and put in vinyl hardwood flooring. It was an extensive project and I hurt in places that I didn’t even know were there! But oh how rewarding it was!!

clean slate hardwood floors

All the dirt and the dust and the muck that accumulates over the years! It felt good to clear that out and clean things up. Giving us a new, fresh, and more open space.
Which got me thinking…

Sometimes a new perspective can really open your mind. Just like the dust bunnies that gather behind your TV stand, you can clear out old patterns, thoughts and habits. Anything that gets you stuck in the same old routine.

Removing those cobwebs may be all it takes to see things differently, to ignite new ideas, or passions, or a sense of hope and possibility.

It doesn’t have to be as extensive as re-doing your floors, it could be rearranging furniture in a room, adding a plant to an empty space, putting something inspirational or beautiful on a blank wall, or clearing off and organizing your desk, work space or a junk drawer.

clean slate

In doing so, hopefully you take a deep breath and see a new light. The window that was stuck, now opens freely. The mirror that was streaked and cloudy, is now more clear than ever.

Now you can see what’s possible. Now you can see what you may need to change. Now there’s room to explore, stretch and expand. Now things are new and open.
Now you are free.

In love and light and creating a clean slate!

in love and light

I would love to hear your thoughts and feedback.

Have you done this? Are you willing to try this?

Leave a comment and let’s talk.
We could all use the support of community. Like minded souls to connect with, now more than ever. Let’s love, support, and uplift each other!

You can also find my video on this discussion.

Setting Intentions


Setting intentions.

The year is coming to a close.
This year brought us many things.
It brought us confusion and fear. It brought us stress and anxiety. It brought uncertainty. It brought change.
It also brought an opportunity.
An opportunity to remember to take care of ourselves a little more. A chance to look at our lives and see what really matters. It allowed us to experiment and try new ways of doing things. Exploring other options, interests and hobbies.
Maybe we can take these things, the lessons learned, the hardships endured, and the new sparks of insight and interests and create a year of possibility.
Set our intentions for the New Year not just as resolutions to quit this, lose that, or try this, but as a new reality.
Creating a life of our dreams, not just a list of things you write down and never look at again.
But as a vision, a feeling..
See your life as you want it to be, feel how amazing it is. See what steps you can take, thoughts you can think (or change) to step into the life you love and deserve.

In love and light and setting intentions

in love and light

I would love to hear your thoughts and feedback.

Have you done this? Are you willing to try this?

Please leave a comment and tell me what your intentions are.

You can also find my video here on this discussion.
We could all use the support of community. Like minded souls to connect with, now more than ever. Let’s love, support, and uplift each other!

Self Care Means Giving the World the Best of You

Self care gives the best of you

We all hear about self care and the importance of it.

There may be some of you, that might not know what that really means.

Self care isn’t always about getting your hair or nails done, although that can be part of it.
It’s not always about indulging in a piece of chocolate or glass of wine, but those things do have their place as well.

Self Care is also about going to bed early, creating healthy meals for the week, and giving yourself a moment to breathe.
It’s about having that hard conversation, letting go of toxic relationships, and creating boundaries.
Self care is about forgiving yourself when you don’t live up to your own impossible standards and expectations.
It’s about loving yourself exactly how you are, no matter what, and knowing you are worthy.

Self care is about having a love affair with yourself, and doing the things that make your heart sing.

Self care isn’t always about the shopping spree and material things, it’s a means of survival and a necessity to thrive!!

In love and light and giving you and the world the best of you!


I would love to hear your thoughts and feedback. What is your self care routine or rituals? How do you show up for you? Comment below. You will also find my video on this discussion here.

We could all use the support of community. Like minded souls to connect with, now more than ever. Let’s love, support, and uplift each other!

Are You Stressing About Stress?


How much stress do you have?

We are in the thick of a very stressful time, in an already incredibly stressful year.

It’s Christmas time! We’re shopping, trying to find the perfect gift, stressing that it is enough. The stores are busy, people are grumpy, retail staff are exhausted.

We’re bumping elbows in the aisles, when we’re supposed to be 6 feet away. It’s hot, stuffy, hard to breathe, and for some of us, we can’t see through our fogged up glasses because of our masks. Does that sound about right?

All of that while still maintaining our every day lives–Work schedules, kids, home life, and trying to find balance within it all.
So, I’ve put together a short list of do’s and don’ts to help you get through the holiday season. Hopefully, with a little less stress and a lot more joy.

~Do embrace the spirit of giving.~ Don’t go overboard, or beyond what you can afford. Give from the heart and that will always be enough.
~Do try to find little moments and make them special~ Don’t forget what the spirit and magic of the season is really about
~Do things that bring you joy

stress cup of cocoa
  1. Drink hot cocoa
  2. Go on a search for the best Christmas light display
  3. Start a new tradition (It’s a good year to do that since it may be different for you this year anyway)
  4. Watch Christmas movies- (my favorites are Elf, Christmas Vacation, and I’m a sucker for Hallmark movies)

~Don’t forget to give to yourself and know when you need a break
~Do remember to be kind. To yourself, to a stranger, and to everyone you meet. ~Don’t forget we are all in this together!

In love and light and finding the magic of Christmas!

in love and light

I would love to hear your thoughts and feedback.

What brings you joy? What moments did you make special? What are your favorite Christmas movies or traditions?

Please leave a comment and share with me.

You can also find my video here on this discussion.
We could all use the support of community. Like minded souls to connect with, now more than ever. Let’s love, support, and uplift each other!

Acknowledging the Good

acknowledge the good

There is always something to be grateful for..

Seems simple..right? I know first hand what it feels like to forget what you’re grateful for. Some days it’s hard to see through what’s going wrong, and see all the things that are going right.
But gratitude is the quickest way to turn around a thought. A mood. A day. Your life!

Do you ever just see those people that radiate being alive! I had the privilege of listening to a conversation yesterday with one of those people. You could just tell, he was so appreciative of his life, his experiences, his opportunities. He was full of energy and it just felt good to hear him talk. And by no means did he have it easy, he had had a rough start to life. He had learned to see things a new way. He was grateful.

Being grateful has a way of bringing you more things, people, and opportunities to be grateful for.
If we could start each day with a grateful heart, and finding all the things throughout our day we can be grateful for, I think we would be surprised at how things change and start to show up for us.

So the challenge is, for starters, wake up each morning and list 3 things you’re grateful for. If this is hard at first, pay attention to the not so obvious, obvious ones. The things we take for granted…

Our bed and the good night’s sleep it gave us. For the person you get to wake up next to. Or if that isn’t a reality, for having the whole bed to yourself! Our home. Our pets. The water we drink. The cup of coffee we have. –I know I’m grateful for that!
And really feel it. Feel how good that bed felt, the pillow under your head, the softness of the sheets, the coziness and warmth that shields you from the crisp air just beyond them. The way your dog greets you in the morning. The way he loves you and protects you. The way he asks you to pet him. How he even follows you to the bathroom!

How that coffee tastes, the warm sweetness of it. Grateful for the feeling. Like a warm embrace deep within your soul.

Try to feel the gratitude, not just list your 3 things and go about your day hating everything else. I would be curious, if this changes anything for you. You just might be surprised.
I say try it! What have we got to lose? We can go back to being grumpy next week.

I would also like to express my gratitude for each and every one of you. For being a part of my tribe, for your love and support and for showing up with me every single week.

In love and light and feeling grateful!


I would love to hear your thoughts and feedback. How does this work for you? Do you notice a change? Do you feel better? What is on your list? Comment below, you can also watch my video on this discussion here.
We could all use the support of community. Like minded souls to connect with, now more than ever. Let’s love, support, and uplift each other!

Smiling Through Our Masks

smiling through our masks

I don’t think this quote was actually meant for this pandemic or COVID. I think it has a deeper meaning to it. But we can appreciate it for both reasons.

I’ve got to say, I really feel this.
I try not to go out too much these days. When I do, it’s just to the grocery store. I find myself shocked that..

This is actually happening. This is our reality.

And, the total disconnect I feel from everyone around me.

Normally, I’m a smiley person, I try to smile at everyone I see or pass by. Luckily I have the ability to smile with my eyes. But I find myself not even doing that as much. My head is down. I keep my distance. Get in. Get what I need, and Get Out! Then sanitize the hell out of myself! None of that process feels good to me.
We have experienced an immense division this year. Divided by our color, our political view, our age and even our health.
I guess it’s always been this way. It just seems more blatant this year.
And now everyone’s wearing a mask…Not just the proverbial mask we’ve all been wearing for lifetimes, but ACTUAL masks!
Let me add, that I do believe masks are important and necessary right now. That is not the point of my story. So keep wearing them!
But maybe we can start uncovering the soul that is underneath it. The one we have kept hidden long before it was mandated to hide behind one. Our true spirit. Our authentic selves. The parts of us we like, and the parts we are afraid to show, even to ourselves. Show your personality! Smile with your eyes!

I see people out there who have brought their personality into their masks, as a fashion statement or something humorous.

Maybe we can start a movement~~~a #smilingthroughourmasks movement.
Let’s draw a smile onto our masks and bring back some unity.
We don’t need to hate each other, judge each other, be divided or angry. Fighting each other on who is right and who is wrong. Fighting against being “told” what to do.
Can we just support each other? Protect each other?

Let’s reach out through our smiles, our souls, and really see each other. Be a light for someone else until they can shine on their own. In a time that is uncertain and can be dark and lonely and isolating, behind our masks. Let’s see what a privilege it is to see a soul.

In love and light and #smilingthroughourmasks


I would love to hear your thoughts and feedback. Comment below, you can also watch my video on this discussion. Take a picture of yourself with your smile on your mask and place it in one of the social media posts! I’d be thrilled to see all your smiling faces!!

Victim or Victor?

every test, better or bitter, victim or victor

Alright, so we know life is going to challenge us. We know we are going to be faced with obstacles, and we will have to deal with problems.
That’s a given.
But what do we do when they come?
Do we rise to the challenge or do we fall?
Do we face it head on or do we run and hide?
Do we see that it’s helping us or think that life is just against us?
Do we accept it and figure out what we can do about it or do we look for who we can blame for it?
It can be tough to battle the hard knocks life throws at us.

The slaps in the face, the gut punches, the kick ya when you’re downs, the run your ass over with a semi truck, that backs up and does it again, just to finish the job…Sorry. I got a little carried away with that. HaHa. But it’s true. It can be tough to pick yourself up every time you get knocked down.
We have to know that every test or challenge is what makes us who we are. We might not know our strengths or resilience without overcoming our struggles.
I know a lot of people want to point blame at something or someone to justify why their life is not working. Some may find it easier to make excuses for why they stay stuck.

We see this everywhere! It’s in politics, social injustice, racism, corporate America.. It’s all over the place!!
BUT… the choice is always ours.
How do YOU want to be?
Do you want to blame, complain, be an angry victim and miserable? Trying to control what you can’t? Or.. Do you want to be resilient, strong, confident, happy, and winning at life? Taking control of what you can, your life and your actions.
I have been knocked down more times than I can count. There have been times that I did want to crawl into a corner, scrunch up into the fetal position and give up! But.. every time, I pick myself up, dust off my hiney, adjust my crown, and spread my tattered wings, and rise again.
Keeping focus on the silver lining and the benefit of everything. Each time, soaring to a new level of self awareness, confidence and possibility.
What’s your choice? Victim or Victor?

In love and light and being victorious!!


Relationships can be hard

wait a lifetime for someone

Relationships can be hard…

I spent a lot of time convincing myself why the relationship I was in, was what I wanted. Why I should try harder… Why I should stay.
Relationships have a way of making you think something is wrong with you. I think women especially, have a tendency to think that way. We have a tendency to hold onto hope. For a vision of how we want it to be, how we think it should be and ignore how it actually is.
We hold onto seeing the potential vs. the reality. Potential, that the other may not even see, let alone have any intention of fulfilling. It isn’t even fair to them, to paint them into a picture, that they don’t want, or are even capable of being in.
We make excuses and talk ourselves into things because, Damnit, we want it to work! Not paying attention to the glaring truth that it’s not.
Maybe you aren’t valued or appreciated.

Maybe you’re being physically or emotionally abused or treated poorly.

Maybe the reason you got together made sense at the time, but doesn’t anymore. Sometimes we get entangled with someone for one reason and we try to make it be for that reason forever, when it wasn’t meant to.
People are meant to grow, change and evolve. I think it’s great and possible to grow together, if you are both willing and can own your part in it. But I think most just stay stuck and pretend it’s something when it’s not.
I think the heart always knows. We just need to learn to listen to it. Be honest with ourselves about our value and worth. About what we want and what we don’t.
It hurts me to know how much time I spent believing in someone’s potential instead of their actions. I won’t say it was a waste of time, because I learned a lot. About myself, about relationships, about looking within and doing my own inner work. Which opened me up to receive something profound.
All of that got me to a point of knowing my worth and realizing the difference between actual and potential, hope and denial, struggle and ease.
Which is an important step that lead me to know without a doubt, I was with someone real, who was meant to be, for all the right reasons. Seeing now that it is possible to be in a relationship where you are loved and accepted for who you are. Where you don’t have to make excuses for them, or for yourself and why you’re still there. It can be supportive and safe, beautiful and effortless.

When finally what I waited a lifetime to find, I was able to find in a moment with someone else.
In love and light and finding your moment!


I would love to hear your thoughts and feedback.

Do You Believe in Karma?

karma, how you react is yours

Ahhh.. Karma..

What goes around, comes around…

You never win playing dirty..

And of course, the famous declaration of Karma is a bitch…right?

I have a love/hate relationship with the use of the word karma.

I find it hilarious actually, that the ones that hide behind the stance of karma is a bitch, are usually the ones that have the most vicious kind coming to them.

They believe by saying it, loudly, at someone’s behavior, it’ll somehow bypass them, by pointing the blame at someone else.
“She did it!!!”
Like a 3 year old kid, directing karma where to go. Ha Ha.
I’m not sure that’s how it works…
However, that being said, I do believe karma is real.
Good things do happen to good people, not to those that just pretend to be.

Sometimes, those most deserving of a good dose of karmic punishment, don’t ever seem to get it. At least in our eyes. But that’s not our call. It’s not up to us. We can’t be sitting around and waiting, trying to tip the scale of karmic justice.
So instead, I choose to believe in kindness.

I believe in love.

I believe in trying to do your best and be your best every day.

I believe in inspiration and uplifting others.

I believe in allowing people to be who they are.

And the beautiful thing is, I believe we always have a choice on who gets to be in our lives, and who doesn’t. Therefore, removing the need to be the karma police.
So, whether you believe in karma or not…Or feel you have been designated as the authority on who goes to karma purgatory…Or you feel like karma has something against you..
It’s never too late to be kind, to yourself and others. To see the humanness in everyone. To start attracting the things you want in your life .And just trying to BE better, every day and in every way.
In love and light


Time Decides Who You Meet in Your Life

time decides, heart, behavior, meet, want, stay in your life

Time decides who you meet in your life,

Your heart decides who you want in your life,

Your behavior decides who stays in your life.

~Ziad K. Abdelnour



There are certain people you meet at certain times or stages in your life. People you need in that moment. People that support you. People that test you, and people that teach you.

The saying that you have to kiss a few frogs before you find your prince, is also true.

You learn along the way what you do and do not want. You learn what’s important to you. You become clear on what you will and will not tolerate. That goes for all relationships, romantic, friendships, and acquaintances. Even how you are treated by the person at the grocery store!

So yes, it takes time to experience all the lessons and learn from each person you meet. When you get to the point of knowing who you are and are clear of what you want, time allows your heart to open for the most profound relationships to enter.

the heart decides who you want in your life

The Heart

The heart has it’s own process. Throughout life, your heart takes a beating. First loves, heartbreaks, rejections, beginnings and endings, devastations and loss, profound love and joy, to name a few.

We experience a roller coaster of emotions. It’s no wonder we build walls around our hearts. For protection, for our survival, to keep us safe. We start becoming very guarded and picky about who we allow into our hearts and our lives. The more we learn to trust ourselves, the more we allow our hearts to open to the people that can hold it safely. Your heart always knows what it wants. The challenge is in learning to trust it.

your behavior decides who stays in your life


After time, and learning to open and trust your heart, you have brought these people to you, that you want or need on some level. This is where you truly appreciate those that enrich your life. Acknowledging and recognizing where you can take responsibility for yourself, your “stuff,” and not project it onto them.

Wounds are going to come up. Relationships are a surefire way to present triggers, and for past “crap” to reappear. It’s what we do with that, determines how well our relationships can thrive. You have to meet each other where you are. Allow, grow, and accept each other just as you are. Learning to know, and be honest with yourself, and them, about who that is.

Slapping others with your expectations and demands, is not healthy. Not seeing them as your equal, is not healthy. Having to walk on eggshells because you don’t know what’s going to set them off, is not healthy. Not appreciating each other, is not healthy.

Relationships are about love, honesty, and respect. Allowing the other to be free to be themselves. Truly appreciating them for who they are, how they are, and the many blessings they bring into your life.

In love and light!


Committed to Crazy

specific kind of crazy, committed

Oh my God! Isn’t that the truth?

When I first saw this quote, I just had to laugh….Hard!
We all know that someone or maybe several someones that just make you shake your head and say…Really??! But they’re really committed to it, so it’s like, Wow! At least they’re really good at something!
To understand someone’s mind is not something easily done. So you might as well just stop trying.
Let’s face it, there are some delusional, hateful, hurtful and narcissistic people out there. People who lie to get what they want. Even worse, the ones that believe their own lies and manipulate others to better themselves.
It’s hard to be the bigger person when you have people like that around you. I know, because I had to deal with some very judgmental, very delusional, and hateful people strongly in my face the last couple years. I saw first hand how ugly people can be.

I experienced the whole handbag of vicious behavior, from stalking, to defamation of character, invasion of privacy, threats, lies, deceit, manipulation, egotistical control.. just to name a few… Lol. That handbag apparently had no bottom to it!
The list could go on and on, but it was a series of non stop, repugnant behavior, yes, repugnant. That’s a strong word. An awful, but beautiful word that encapsulates the picture I’m trying to paint.
Even after all of that, I think the hardest part was watching the tsunami of pain and anger affect the innocent ones, the distasteful way they hurt family and friends. I can take a bit of crazy, but that’s a low blow. It truly broke my heart. Taking friends, family, and everyone down around them with their pain.
Which is what all of that is about anyway. They are acting from their own pain, their own insecurities. It’s not about me. They may not be able to see their own stuff, or know how to take responsibility for it. That’s all they know. I do believe everyone does the best they can with what they know.
So, moral of the story, you may not like or understand the specific kind of crazy in your life or out in the world, but that is not your business, that is not your problem. It starts with you. Be what you want to see in the world. Be someone you can be proud of. Admire their commitment to their crazy and use it for inspiration to combat it with equal velocity of love, kindness and beauty.

In love and light!


Fear or Fearless?

fear, fearless

I have known this concept.

I have heard this concept.

There are many teachings about this concept.
And I think the simplicity of that statement is understood on some level.
But…I have had a really hard time truly understanding this concept.
If that were true…
I would be a sky diving, bungee jumping, lunging from buildings, risk taking freak show!
I know fear. I mean I Knoooow fear.

I have a deep intimate relationship with fear that some could consider unhealthy. LOL.

So why then, am I not some insane, thrill seeking, adrenaline junkie?
The teachings all say that you can’t experience one without the other.

You can’t see light without the dark.

You can’t know one thing without knowing its opposite.
I get the idea of contrast.
get that things would always be the same without it.
What I don’t get, is after knowing decades of fear, why is it that I don’t yet know, what it is to be fearless?
Maybe it’s my definition of the word fearless?
Maybe I discount all the times I have been fearless because it wasn’t what I thought it should look like or I wasn’t, at the times I needed to be the most?
Maybe it’s bringing me to be grateful and notice all the times I was?
When all I want to do is push away the times that I am not, maybe it’s asking me to really appreciate the difference?
To notice the strength it took.
To notice my resilience in the times I overcame a fear or obstacle.
Noticing that, in that moment, I AM Fearless.

In love and light and knowing the difference.


I’m curious, what does this quote mean to you? What is your understanding of it? I would love to hear different view points and maybe more clarity into my own understanding. Leave a comment and explore this meaning with me.

Take the First Step

stake the first step

This is a very relatable quote in my life.
I’m the type of person that needs to see the whole picture. I need to know the outcome of any given situation, before I can move forward.
And, I must admit, even then, it’s still hard to move forward. Doubts, insecurities, and what if questions come flooding in.
I want to know the answer before I even know the question! I want to know the outcome before I even take the first step.
Looking at things this way can be extremely overwhelming! For crying out loud, look at all of those steps! That staircase is massive!! How will I ever get to the top?!
It’s no wonder that climb is intimidating. No wonder things don’t get accomplished. And no wonder I stay exactly where I am.
Not to mention, going about life and goals this way, sure takes away the magic and surprises of your day to day experiences.
So, my challenge is to take away the whole staircase. It’s a little less daunting that way.
Take away the how, and the outcome, and just focus on the first step. What’s one thing I can do right now that moves me in the direction I want to go?
Take that one step, which will then unfold into the next step and the next.
Before you know it you’ll be at the top of that staircase, looking down, surprised and rewarded with how far you’ve come.
Allowing the best outcomes to reveal themselves one step at a time.

In love and light and taking that first step!


I Am Strong

I Am Strong
We sometimes need to see both sides of the spectrum to fully appreciate the greatness in each moment.
How would we know one without the other?
When we come up against our darkness,
our mistakes,
our flaws,
our weaknesses,
we are then able to see our limits and our humanness.
To see where our boundaries need to be set.
And when we need a little more compassion for ourselves.
Knowing these things about ourselves,
gives us reason.. motivation..
to do better,
to be better,
to live better.
Fully embrace both sides of the coin.
Let that be our guide to know what we do and do not want.
What’s good for us and what is not.
What we will accept and what we won’t.
Know that each moment of despair has taught us something about ourselves and made us so much stronger, beautiful, fearless, wise, and loving because of it.
In love and light!


Challenges make life interesting
Sometimes it feels like the road is always uphill, there’s one more obstacle, one more ‘thing’ standing in our way.
Sometimes it feels like we’ll never get better, or never reach our goals.
Although we may not like dealing with our challenges,
Can we see that with each stepping stone, roadblock, or speedbump in our way,
Comes a tremendous amount of growth?
Can we recognize the incredible strength it takes, strength that maybe we didn’t know we had?
Can we appreciate the victories of getting through, past or over all the things that challenge us? Big or small.
Can we realize that because of these things, we become more capable of handling the day to day slaps in the face.
Our ability to trust ourselves strengthens.
We can see the greatness in what we can achieve.
So instead of feeling like the world and everything is out to get us,
Empower ourselves to know, we can go out into the world and get everything!
In love and light and a life of meaning!