My Story


Hello my friends, this is my story:

I am an Emotion, Body, and Belief Code Practitioner. (Energy healing Practitioner).

Why do I do what I do?

Well, because…I have had many struggles in my life. Depression, debilitating anxiety, sexual abuse, health issues, food sensitivities, Diabetes, thyroid issues, digestive disorders…(so much so, that I was on a diet of chicken broth, rice and chicken for 3 years!!)

I always felt like I was looking at my life from the outside. Never connected. Always wondering why I didn’t fit in. Why did I struggle? Why is everything so hard? What was wrong with me? Every day, a symptom, an ailment, a battle, a struggle.

Doctors were of no help to me, so very early on I realized I was on my own. I was always drawn to the more holistic, natural and energetic way of doing things. Without the side effects. Trying to address the root cause of things. Somehow knowing there is more to this than can be analyzed by an M.D. in a 10-minute appointment. There are layers of stuff going on here.

When I became aware that emotions are 93% of the cause of health issues, I realized that this was a no brainer. I always felt like I was caught up in a tornado of emotions. Not knowing what they were, what they meant, or what the hell to do with them. They were a jumbled mess, comparable to the big ball of entangled Christmas lights. You just don’t know where to begin.

So, I played with and experimented with the Emotion Code. Releasing emotion after emotion, probably over 400! I also released all the emotions creating my heart wall. Honestly, I didn’t feel much at first. I would get the immediate relief, which was awesome but there was still always something else.

That’s the thing about this work. It can be profound and immediate, or very subtle. But then I looked back and saw how much my life had changed that next year. I got married, which I swore I would never do…again. I always thought the only way for me to survive was to be on my own. But somehow, I attracted to me the man of my dreams. Actually he was better than my dreams. The old me didn’t know my worth, didn’t know that I deserved to be loved and cherished and treated well. We then bought a house… I travelled overnight for the first time in 15 years… (part of my anxiety). My digestive issues improved. Little by little, the variety of foods I could eat expanded, and now I can eat pretty much whatever I want. Holy crap! How did all of that happen?!?

Then my mom got sick, and the certification for the Emotion Code and Body Code came into my email box. A sign? Maybe. But I took it. It wasn’t about me anymore. I needed to do whatever I could to help her. I got certified and worked on her remotely, while she was in the hospital and during recovery. Releasing layers and layers of emotional gunk and trauma. Along with her medical team and this work, she is doing tremendously well, and I couldn’t be more grateful.

Since then, the stories and reports back to me of the things I’ve done and lives I’ve changed because of this, is truly amazing! To be a part of such healing work is humbling and beautiful.

And that’s my story of why I do what I do.

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