Being Alone

Being alone is one of those things where you either love it or hate it.

There are those that just can’t be alone.  These are the people that go from relationship to relationship.  After a break up, they don’t spend any time grieving the loss.  They don’t pause for self-reflection or lessons learned.  They just immediately jump into the next thing that will fill that void, replace that hurt, and avoid all feelings.

Well, let’s face it, who wants to do those things, really?  Usually this behavior leaves the other person feeling like they never mattered at all.  When in truth, it has nothing to do with them and only to do with the other person not being able to ‘deal’.

These are also the people that need time fillers, constantly on the go, and spending countless hours with other people doing nothing.  There is nothing wrong with human interaction, of course, and it is very healthy.  But you also have to ask yourself ~ What am I running from?

If you have read any of my writing, you know I am on the other end of this spectrum.  I very much love being alone, and prefer it most of the time.  There is a power in being able to fully be alone, with ALL of you.  With your thoughts, your feelings, the whole messy tangle of emotions.  To be still and content in your own company.

you can sing when you're alone

To me, it is listening to any music, or motivational speaker, at any hour of the day.  To me, it is dancing while I clean.   To me, it is busting out to the song on the radio when the spoon I’m using to cook with, miraculously turns into a microphone.

It’s being completely uninhibited and free to be me.  There are no judgements or expectations, just raw, stripped down (sometimes literally), unique expression.  There are a rare few people that I have been able to be this unrestricted around.  If you can be this, with another, then that is a true gift.

But not only in this way, if you can be truly comfortable in your own skin, in your own company, and fully accepting of who you are, you are that much closer to developing everything you deserve.

You’ll have better relationships, more confidence, which lead to better jobs and opportunities, and more self worth.  You no longer look to others to give you what you need, you already have it!  In turn, you are able to accept other people for who they are as well.

I fully recommend spending the day with yourself.  Try not to numb yourself out with your phone, computer or TV.  Take a minute to see yourself as you are and be truly grateful for who that is and the wonderful qualities you have.  See for yourself why you would want to spend time with you.  Then, when you want to fill space with another, you can occupy your own and bring a little more to the table.

In love and light

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