I Am Strong

I Am Strong
We sometimes need to see both sides of the spectrum to fully appreciate the greatness in each moment.
How would we know one without the other?
When we come up against our darkness,
our mistakes,
our flaws,
our weaknesses,
we are then able to see our limits and our humanness.
To see where our boundaries need to be set.
And when we need a little more compassion for ourselves.
Knowing these things about ourselves,
gives us reason.. motivation..
to do better,
to be better,
to live better.
Fully embrace both sides of the coin.
Let that be our guide to know what we do and do not want.
What’s good for us and what is not.
What we will accept and what we won’t.
Know that each moment of despair has taught us something about ourselves and made us so much stronger, beautiful, fearless, wise, and loving because of it.
In love and light!


Challenges make life interesting
Sometimes it feels like the road is always uphill, there’s one more obstacle, one more ‘thing’ standing in our way.
Sometimes it feels like we’ll never get better, or never reach our goals.
Although we may not like dealing with our challenges,
Can we see that with each stepping stone, roadblock, or speedbump in our way,
Comes a tremendous amount of growth?
Can we recognize the incredible strength it takes, strength that maybe we didn’t know we had?
Can we appreciate the victories of getting through, past or over all the things that challenge us? Big or small.
Can we realize that because of these things, we become more capable of handling the day to day slaps in the face.
Our ability to trust ourselves strengthens.
We can see the greatness in what we can achieve.
So instead of feeling like the world and everything is out to get us,
Empower ourselves to know, we can go out into the world and get everything!
In love and light and a life of meaning!

Where You Want to Be

Where you want to be
I know I waste a lot of time focusing and fearing the future.
What’s next? What’s to come?
Anticipation of, and speculation about up-coming events, and worst-case scenarios.
It seems most of us are planning for this, preparing for that.
Racing against the clock to get things done, to fit it all in.
Which is also why most of us are filled with stress, anxiety and exhaustion.
The very reason we have anxiety, is from living in the future.
Hoping for this outcome, dreading that thing, wishing for this to happen, praying that doesn’t happen…etc.
None of us are actually in this moment, we can’t see that right here and now, all we need to do is just be.
Be at our job, doing what we can, today.
Be with that person, spouse, child or friend. And be completely present with them. Focused 100% on our time, interaction and conversation with them.
And just as important, be with ourselves.
Acknowledge that we are doing our very best.
And however we are feeling, it’s just one day. Honor ourselves and how we feel.
I think it would take a lot of pressure off if we just focused on this day, these 24 hours.
Make the most of these precious hours, prioritize what’s important, and just be there fully with whatever that day holds.
Wishing you all the most amazing 1440 minutes!
In love and light!

It’s Going to be a Good Day

My anxiety, It's going to be a good day
Now that would be freaking hilarious, if it weren’t so dang true…
Why do we hold onto all of our stories and painful memories of the past?
Of course some things are helpful, like we remember to not touch a hot stove, but if you’re like me, it still happens, more often than I’d like to admit.
But the other things..the break up, the trauma, the accident, the diagnosis..
We add a story of why that happened, or what we did to cause it. Which then keeps us from taking risks, or doing things out of fear or disappointment or rejection.
One negative or obsessive thought comes in, and the spiral down into the dark abyss of crazy town has begun.
“It’s going to be a good day,” as harmless and positive as it sounds, can unleash some sort of conscious or unconscious self sabotage.
We don’t trust that we can be happy.
We don’t know that things can go well for us.
But at some point, we need to acknowledge these thoughts, this cycle, and just let that sh*t go….
“It’s going to be a good day” That’s it. Period. End of story.
Wishing you all a very “Good” day! For Real!!
In love and light


Always wanting what we don’t have…
Looking ahead at the next thing,
the next person,
the next place.
Why are we never satisfied or complete with what is right here in front of us?
At one time, we wished for what we have, right now.
Yes, it is important to keep wishing, to keep dreaming, to keep striving for better.
But what is the point, if we keep missing, or more importantly forget to be grateful for everything we have, or have achieved?
What are you thankful for today?
What have you learned along the way?
Don’t count out the victories and accomplishments.
Take a minute to just be right here, right now and be thankful.
This moment, is all any of us really have, so lets bathe in it’s richness, absorb its amazingness, and enjoy it to the fullest.
In love and light!

Our Journey

Maybe the journey isn't about becoming anything
We all come into this world perfect.
Pure, innocent, honest and authentic.
Our hearts are wide open.
Full of love, and hope.
Our eyes are bright with curiosity, wonder, and awe.
As we travel through life,
we experience difficulty, disappointment, and struggles.
We begin to add layers of protection around us,
to shield us from all that is painful.
We tell ourselves stories of why things happen,
and begin to close our hearts,
as the brightness in our eyes begin to fade.
We think that we have to be more than we are,
We have to do better,
Be better.
We have to find our purpose.
But what if our purpose is to be US!
The same pure, innocent, honest and authentic self we came here as.
We don’t have to become anything.
We are already enough!
Our only challenge is removing the layers we’ve added.
Re-telling our stories, so we see the lesson and growth,
more than the pain.
Knowing we are worthy of all the good in this world,
and knowing we are a part of that,
that we have an impact on the lives we touch.
No matter how small the gesture,
Our presence means something to everyone we come in contact with.
So instead of thinking we have to do something to become who we were meant to be,
Why don’t we just start BEing who we have always truly been?
In love and light!

A Guarded Girl

Loving a guarded girl
Life brings us challenges and lessons and moments that may harden us or cause us to throw up walls.
We learn to protect our hearts.
We become independent and rely on our own abilities and resources.
We realize that everything we need is within us, not out “there”.
We become very particular in what or whom we allow into our world.
If we can use this as a strength, and still keep our hearts open,
and come at life from a place of being complete, rather than from lack or need,
we may find that our life is filled with choices and desires,
rather than desperation to fill an empty void.
When people and things of substance come our way,
we can recognize true potential, rather than settling for bread crumbs and hopes for potential.
We can be choosy, because we don’t need anyone.
We choose them.
And if we choose them, then they must know,
to be let into the heart of a guarded girl,
is not a decision to be taken lightly.
We see you, and you are worth it!
Finding someone that makes us want to break down our walls,
is an undeniable feeling.
It is raw, beautiful and the purest love of all.
We have so much love to give, we just have no desire in wasting it on someone that can’t hold it and cherish it.
So be independent.
Be picky.
Be complete.
Be guarded, but keep our hearts open.
Be open to choosing what we want, not out of need, but out of desire. And watch how a whole new world of healthy, so much better for us, choices open up!
In love and light!

How Lovely It Is To Let Things Go

letting things go
The beauty of fall.
The vibrant color of the leaves.
The fresh, crisp air.
The wonder of nature.
The tree shines in all it’s glory, it’s true brilliance of color for only a few weeks.
Only to drop them all, for a period of rest, and then begin again.
Can we not see, how this cycle could serve us?
If we could shine our light as brightly as we can,
and then when needed, pause and strip down to our true authentic selves.
Recalibrate and ask ourselves;
What is working and what isn’t?
What can I do more of in my life?
How can I best serve others?
Am I being true to myself and others?
Find out what areas you can improve on and what things you need to let go of.
Are you holding on to anger?
Or guilt?
Or fear?
Are these things serving you?
There is always a chance to begin again.
The choice is yours on how you want that to be.
And with the change of the season, let us all feel the sweet relief of all the things we can let go of, as we allow each leaf to drop…
and begin anew.
In love and light!

Life as an Introvert

Oh the life of an introvert!
Which is also the life of an empath, or HSP (Highly Sensitive Person).
And when you are all three….
Just as much as we need their understanding,
We really need them to have a sense of humor!
It’s tough making you’re way through life overwhelmed and constantly on sensory overload.
When your nervous system is in overdrive, it’s pretty much game over!
Oh how we wish we were normal, and it was easy to get excited about plans and events.
I’ve always said, everything sounds fun in the future…
But when it gets down to it, and it’s time to go…whaa. whaaa.
Usually the most excitement we feel is when our plans are cancelled!
So, I ask, if you have a friend who is an introvert, an empath, or an HSP, don’t leave them out.
Invite them, include them.
Just know,
that they won’t know,
if they’re actually coming until 5 minutes before,
they most likely will be arriving late,
and their stay might be short.
But love them, laugh with them, and appreciate the effort it takes.
These sensitive beings have all kinds of wonderful qualities that make them unique, special and unlike anyone you’ve ever known.
Send them that invite, just know that the term R.S.V.P. does not apply to them.
In love and light!

Stepping Stones

Stepping stones
It is very easy to feel defeated,
when things don’t go the way you would like them to,
or you feel as if you let yourself, or someone else down.
We all try to do the very best we can, in any given situation.
Sometimes, that doesn’t turn out the way we imagined it would.
Instead of beating ourselves up,
can we open up a little bit of space,
to acknowledge the struggle,
to remove any judgement about the situation, or about ourselves,
and recognize,
that if we could, we would have.
If it was meant to be, it would be.
We put so much pressure on ourselves to be perfect.
To fulfill all expectations.
What if we just allowed ourselves to Be.
Be who we are.
Be how we are,
and let that be enough.
In love and light!

Breaking the Patterns

Courage to break the patterns
We all have our comfort zones.
Some have comfort in chaos and pain.
~Although unhealthy, it may be all we know.
Others find comfort in routine.
~doing the same things over and over because it is reliable.
We all do what makes sense for us.
~For our survival.
~For our sanity.
~Because we just may not know any better, or know another way.
I’m at a point where I am no longer comfortable being comfortable in my comfort zone.
~Reread that. I swear that makes sense..
I want more out of life.
I want to live my life.
The very thought of stepping out and doing something different is absolutely terrifying!!
~Frozen in fear.
~Exhausted with the amount of energy it takes to move out of my comfort.
But I think, I think, just beyond that fear and dread, and exhaustion, is where we find our courage.
That is where we let go of what’s not working for us and holding us back.
And that’s where we step into a whole new world of possibilities!
In love and light and finding our courage!


None of us like to look at the things that are wrong.
It feels awful to be uncomfortable.
We all want to resist the problems, the concerns, our feelings, and the reality of what’s happening.
But if we can just sit with it,
Notice and acknowledge that it’s there,
There comes a freedom with that.
We’re not adding to our misery by fighting it.
Sometimes we don’t need to fix it.
We can accept that we are temporarily not where we want to be.
Sometimes we need to embrace the darkness before we can accept the light.
Then, in time, turn back to Faith.
Knowing that the light will shine again,
Things will get better.
This too shall pass, and we will begin again.
In love and light and Faith!


You learn grace
We don’t often know what to do with our emotions.
We don’t always want to deal with them.
Some of us try to run from them.
Some search for someone else to blame for them.
And most of us don’t even understand them!
When life hands us a difficult situation or struggle, we all too often want to blame, shame or complain.
Which is understandable.
We don’t want to go through it or deal with it.
We don’t want to search through the mess or the pain of what we’re feeling.
We might even want to throw a tantrum.
We have all been there.
Which is exactly why we learn compassion for others when they are doing the same.
That is why we allow them space to sort through the mess.
That is also why we don’t take their projections personally.
Their words and actions may hurt, but that is when we remember it has nothing to do with us.
It is their own internal struggle.
We don’t have to tolerate their behavior, but maybe we can find a little compassion and understanding for them.
In doing so, that is where we learn grace.
In love and light!

Life Is Not Black and White

Life is not black and white, color
We all expect life to come with a rule book.
Something we can refer to when things get hard, or we don’t know what to do.
It would be nice to know all the answers, have some guidelines, and a guarantee of a certain outcome.
But life is not that way.
Life is messy.
Life is hard.
Life is a constant game of trial and error, mistakes and lessons, and success and failures.
There are no rules.
I think we all strive to do the best we can, and be the best we can with what’s available to us.
Whether that’s knowledge, or strengths, or through lessons learned.
We all have our own stories, our own paths and reasons for doing what we do.
Who are we to judge what is right for someone else?
Who are we to decide their choices are right or wrong?
They may be doing exactly what they need to, to find their path, follow their heart, and to be their best self.
I think we can all have a little more compassion, a little more love, for those around us.
Let’s blur those lines a little.
Get rid of thinking things have to be a certain way.
Add a little color to our lives and take some risks.
We can only benefit for what we learn along the way.
In love and light and COLOR!!



Negativity is a dark cloud.
An easy trap to fall into.
When all you can see is what is going wrong, negativity becomes your bitter friend.
You can also be the most positive person around, and if all you are surrounded with is blame, shame, complain, you too can fall into this darkness.
We must protect our energies, choose our surroundings, and decide our tribe of people we want to be around.
As an empath, I really have to be careful with this one, as I tend to take on the energies of others.
When things go dark, it is hard to find the light.
But, if I can remember to harness my shield, withdraw from groups of gossip, repel attacks of judgement, and return to who I really am, it makes things so much easier to find all the good in the world.
I can then see my light.
I can be a point of inspiration, a place of comfort and a person of authenticity.
And that is who I choose to be.
With that, comes beauty and wonderful opportunities in my life.
I get to experience life from a place of hope.
I get to see, and be grateful for all the things I’m blessed with.
My hope is that we can all look for that silver lining in every situation. Not everything that happens can be changed, but we CAN change what we do with it.
In love and light! and distance from negativity!