What’s the difference between the Conscious Mind and the Subconscious Mind?
Probably not a question you ask yourself on a regular basis. HaHa! In reality, the conscious or subconscious mind is probably not something that ever crosses your mind.
But it is an important question to ask. Knowing the difference between what you consciously think and what you subconsciously do in the background, can give us great insight into the inner workings of the mind, body and spirit. This explains why you do some of the things you do, why you don’t feel well, why consciously you may know and understand something but yet, things don’t line up, make sense or go the way you want them to. The work I do revolves solely on the Subconscious Mind. We can ask questions of it and receive answers and guidance about what the body needs to heal.
You may ask, how that is done?
We can access the information of the Subconscious mind by muscle testing. What better way to help the body heal itself than by letting the body tell us itself!
The Conscious Mind
The Conscious Mind uses very little of the brain. It’s fully developed at the age of 7. It has short term memory. It is only 1% of our intelligence! The Conscious Mind is responsible for our thinking, planning, making decisions, and using all of our senses. It is our rational thought. It’s our routines, responses, the stuff more obvious in our awareness. The conscious mind creates our “normal” and is also our autopilot (going through the motions).
The Subconscious Mind
The subconscious mind, however, is 99% of our intelligence and has long term memory. It keeps all of our systems running efficiently. It tells our hearts to pump, our lungs to breathe, and our organs to digest our food, (and many, many more functions of our remarkable bodies) Thankfully we do not have to consciously remember to do these things. What would that daily to-do list look like?

- Exercise (breathe, breathe heavy, catch your breath)
- Laundry (keep breathing)
- Lunch with friends (Eat, chew, swallow, breathe, activate digestive enzymes, activate liver, gallbladder, stomach, breathe, intestines, valves, spleen, pancreas, glands, breathe…
- Oh crap! The heart! Pump, Pump, Pump!
We think our days are overwhelming now, just think if we didn’t have our Subconscious Minds to do this for us. We’d be exhausted by 9 a.m.!
The Subconscious Mind is like a computer
The Subconscious Mind is also our own personal google search. It stores vast amounts of information, and records everything! It records everything you ever smelled, tasted, heard, seen, and touched. Recording every single thought, feeling, and experience. It knows the entire history of every cell. It knows exactly what your body needs to get well.

Our Subconscious Mind is our survival mechanism. Our ‘instinct’ to keep us safe. It records all data. Constantly searching our environment looking for threats. Recalling past trauma, and connecting all the dots, trying desperately to keep us from physical danger, and social dangers (helping us to fit in). Controlling what we gravitate towards and what we shy away from. The Subconscious mind knows all the programs, memories and beliefs that influence our thoughts and feelings.

So basically, when we do anything, it is literally searching for reasons why this is wrong, bad, scary, and why you shouldn’t do it. Telling us, for example, this happened 20 years ago, it’s similar to what you’re doing now, it might not be safe. You shouldn’t do it. You should feel anxious, you should have a panic attack, you should play small and shrink back.
Did you know that the act of remembering an event that happened in the past, it doesn’t matter how long ago, triggers the same neuropathways as when the event originally happened, as if it were happening now? So… fun for us, we get to keep reliving the stress response of that event over and over again, thinking and feeling as if it is still happening. Just thinking about it activates or triggers links to similar negative experiences. Until we break that cycle.
How Do We Break That Cycle?
The beautiful thing is, we can access our Subconscious minds and find these events and triggers that keep us stuck, sick, in fear, worry, and anxiety and release this energy. Allow the subconscious mind to tell us what is causing this, and where this is coming from. We have everything we need inside of us; all we have to do is ask.
This allows our body to return to a balanced state, no longer stuck in the past, no longer reliving what happened, no longer creating illness, no longer defining our lives as “this is just the was it is” or has to be. There is so much freedom in this. Changing the way we see things, taking the blinders off and really stepping into our fullest potential. Pretty freakin’ cool, if you ask me.
Are you ready to let go of this?
I would love to help you release this baggage, release the burden of your unprocessed experiences and unleash the incredible, full of life, full of possibilities, amazing, kick-ass human you are supposed to be and who you were always meant to be. It is your Divine right, and inherently who you really are. It is my greatest honor to find YOU again.
Contact me at unfilteredsunshine2018@gmail.com Schedule a session with me Learn more about me at https://www.unfilteredsunshine.com
Read more about Trapped Emotions, Heart-Walls, Anchor Points, Belief Systems, and Muscle Testing.
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