How are those Resolutions working out for ya?

resolution working for ya?

What if it’s not your fault?

Maybe you set some resolutions or intentions this year, maybe you didn’t.

Maybe you worked really hard for a day and a half and then forgot, lost interest, stopped, got discouraged, or it was too hard.

Maybe you figured what’s the point from the get-go.

Maybe you don’t know what you really want.

What if I told you, maybe none of that is your fault?

Weekly Focus- Blocks and programming that keep you stuck.

There are probably areas of your childhood (most of our programming and beliefs are created by the age of 8) that are affecting you to this day.

Things that you wouldn’t even realize still bother you.

These things still affect how you live and even the decisions you make on a daily basis.

You made conclusions about how life works. What you’re worthy of. Conclusions about what’s possible and what is not. You observed behaviors that were modeled to you. Words that were spoken, which formed the belief about who you are.

All of these are things that could be keeping you stuck.

Do any of these sound like you?

  • You have trouble finding clarity around what it is you want.
  • You self-sabotage when things are going well.
  • You have trouble setting goals and sticking with them or even starting them.
  • You seem to repeat the same patterns.
  • You’re stuck in your comfort zone.
  • You have trouble getting or staying motivated.
  • You procrastinate.
  • You don’t think things can or will ever be different.

How many of those made you cringe a little?

If you would like some help with any of these areas, the work that I do has profound ability to address the unconscious thoughts, programs, beliefs and patterns that are silently directing your life.

What would it feel like if you could let go of all of that?

Who would you be without that?

What would it hurt to try?

Wouldn’t you like to see what could be possible?

How it could feel to break free?

If you would like to release some blocks and/or mental programming that are standing in your way and help open you up to the possibilities in your life, don't hesitate to reach out! Comment on this post or send me an email at or go to my website to learn more.

What if Depression is Ok?

what if depression is ok

Depression has so many faces and so many stages and factors: hormones, cycles, life stages, grief, loss, seasonal affective disorder (SAD is a real thing. It involves science behind a season with more dark and less light, messing with our circadian rhythm, among other things) From the fleeting mood that lasts a few days to the deep, hopelessness that can go on for years.

It can be debilitating.

I get it.

I see you.

You are not alone.

You think you should just “get over it” but it’s not that easy, is it?

This darkness, the shadows lurking in the corner…you know you want to be better, you know you should do something to feel better.

But that’s just it, isn’t it? In this moment, you don’t really want to feel better…

Well of course you do…But the effort…eh!

You don’t want to put forth the effort it requires. You don’t want to pretend. For now, you want to wallow in your self-destructive pity.

No judgement… that’s how I feel when I’m in it. Everything in your head, and out your mouth is negative. You hear it, but you can’t stop it. Everything seems to be going wrong. Nothing is working and nothing makes sense.

You may put on a friendly smile but there is an emptiness in those eyes.

But sometimes, in that darkness, in the stillness, you get answers. You get clarity. Be patient and listen. You may see what is no longer working in your life anymore. Things that you may need to let go of that are no longer serving you. You may get inspiration for things you can change. Inspiration to do what you’ve always wanted to do. Things that wouldn’t have gotten your attention otherwise.

You may get nothing. Just meet with the darkness and sit with it awhile. Without judgement of it, or of yourself, and just be.


In this world, nothing is permanent, not even our struggles. Acceptance and openness are the first steps in lifting yourself up and creating change.

If you need to talk to someone, reach out. I know in my moments, that’s the last thing I wanted to do. But it does help. Write it out. Yell it out! Give your feelings a voice. They just want to be heard, like everyone else.

And when you feel the shift happening, go with it.

Dress up! Make yourself feel pretty (or handsome), even if it is from bedroom to couch. Do something kind to yourself or for someone else. Go for a walk. Do something creative. Journal. Read something inspirational. Give yourself a break. Give yourself credit. Write down 5 things you are good at, and then 5 more.


And if you want additional support, the work that I do has profound ability to address the areas that are keeping you stuck in the loop of despair and hopelessness. There are probably areas of your childhood (most of our programming and beliefs are created by the age of 8) that are affecting you to this day. Things that you wouldn’t even realize still bother you. Things that still affect how you live and even the decisions you make on a daily basis.

Things that could also be contributing to your depression.

What would it feel like if you could let go of all of that? Who would you be without that? What would it hurt to try?

Comment or email me if you would like to see what could be possible. How it would feel to break free!

Self Care Means Giving the World the Best of You

Self care gives the best of you

We all hear about self care and the importance of it.

There may be some of you, that might not know what that really means.

Self care isn’t always about getting your hair or nails done, although that can be part of it.
It’s not always about indulging in a piece of chocolate or glass of wine, but those things do have their place as well.

Self Care is also about going to bed early, creating healthy meals for the week, and giving yourself a moment to breathe.
It’s about having that hard conversation, letting go of toxic relationships, and creating boundaries.
Self care is about forgiving yourself when you don’t live up to your own impossible standards and expectations.
It’s about loving yourself exactly how you are, no matter what, and knowing you are worthy.

Self care is about having a love affair with yourself, and doing the things that make your heart sing.

Self care isn’t always about the shopping spree and material things, it’s a means of survival and a necessity to thrive!!

In love and light and giving you and the world the best of you!


I would love to hear your thoughts and feedback. What is your self care routine or rituals? How do you show up for you? Comment below. You will also find my video on this discussion here.

We could all use the support of community. Like minded souls to connect with, now more than ever. Let’s love, support, and uplift each other!

Relationships can be hard

wait a lifetime for someone

Relationships can be hard…

I spent a lot of time convincing myself why the relationship I was in, was what I wanted. Why I should try harder… Why I should stay.
Relationships have a way of making you think something is wrong with you. I think women especially, have a tendency to think that way. We have a tendency to hold onto hope. For a vision of how we want it to be, how we think it should be and ignore how it actually is.
We hold onto seeing the potential vs. the reality. Potential, that the other may not even see, let alone have any intention of fulfilling. It isn’t even fair to them, to paint them into a picture, that they don’t want, or are even capable of being in.
We make excuses and talk ourselves into things because, Damnit, we want it to work! Not paying attention to the glaring truth that it’s not.
Maybe you aren’t valued or appreciated.

Maybe you’re being physically or emotionally abused or treated poorly.

Maybe the reason you got together made sense at the time, but doesn’t anymore. Sometimes we get entangled with someone for one reason and we try to make it be for that reason forever, when it wasn’t meant to.
People are meant to grow, change and evolve. I think it’s great and possible to grow together, if you are both willing and can own your part in it. But I think most just stay stuck and pretend it’s something when it’s not.
I think the heart always knows. We just need to learn to listen to it. Be honest with ourselves about our value and worth. About what we want and what we don’t.
It hurts me to know how much time I spent believing in someone’s potential instead of their actions. I won’t say it was a waste of time, because I learned a lot. About myself, about relationships, about looking within and doing my own inner work. Which opened me up to receive something profound.
All of that got me to a point of knowing my worth and realizing the difference between actual and potential, hope and denial, struggle and ease.
Which is an important step that lead me to know without a doubt, I was with someone real, who was meant to be, for all the right reasons. Seeing now that it is possible to be in a relationship where you are loved and accepted for who you are. Where you don’t have to make excuses for them, or for yourself and why you’re still there. It can be supportive and safe, beautiful and effortless.

When finally what I waited a lifetime to find, I was able to find in a moment with someone else.
In love and light and finding your moment!


I would love to hear your thoughts and feedback.

Be Prepared to Get What You Want

Ask For What You Want



We can wish for, want and hope for things to come to us or happen to us all day…
But unless we are prepared to get it,
It could come, smack us in the face and land in our lap,
and we still wouldn’t be able to receive it.
Whether it’s self sabotage,
or not believing it could happen,
or not feeling like we deserve it to be a reality,
It doesn’t matter.
We are not prepared or ready, we are standing in our own way to receive greatness.
We need to take a deep look within and ask ourselves,
Do I believe I deserve this?
If the answer is no, Why?
If the answer is Yes, What am I afraid will happen if I get it?
We can come to a place of understanding our blocks,
Remove the barriers that keep us stuck,
Realize how worthy we really are,
Allow great things into our life,
And get out of our own way!
In love and light

You Attract What You Need

You Attract What You Need
We all develop patterns in our life.
There are certain lessons we need to grow.
Whether they are true or not, there are certain things we believe about ourselves.
Therefore, we bring to ourselves that which we need to learn and to grow.
Do you ever wonder why you keep doing the same things over and over?
Keep dating that same kind of guy?
Keep getting stuck in the same kind of job?
Keep finding the same kind of people that zap your energy?
There is a pattern, a need, a belief you hold that says,
I need this person to choose me, because maybe my father didn’t.
I need this job, because I don’t think I’m capable of anything better or I’m afraid to fail.
I surround myself with negativity, because I’m afraid to be noticed, or made fun of or bullied.
If we can get down to the root of what we believe, and in most cases realize it isn’t even true, we can finally start to break these patterns that are no longer serving us.
We can open up to possibilities and opportunities that we never could consider before.
In love and light

Be You, Anyway

Be You, Anyway
You are only responsible for yourself and your own actions in this world.
You can’t expect anyone to do things the way you would.
It really doesn’t matter what anyone else does.
What matters is that you are true to who you are and how you show up in this world.
Life may not be fair, people may not respect you or treat you the way you should be..
But that’s on them, that is their own pain. That has nothing to do with you.
Be the best you, you can be.
Someone you can be proud of.
Live life on your terms and by your design.
In love and light beautiful souls

Self Care

Being a florist, I just came off one of my most grueling holiday weeks… Valentine’s Day.
That consists of at least two weeks preparation, long hours and hard work.
On your feet all day, lifting heavy boxes and buckets of flowers. Scheduling help and keeping on task.
Managing orders and the quality of your product.
Aching hands from stripping stems, cutting and arranging.
This is the time where self care really comes into play.
We all have times where we feel beat up.
By our jobs, our relationships, or just by a certain day we are having.
It is important to know when you need a little more TLC.
Maybe you need a little more sleep, or allow yourself to do a little less of your housework.
Maybe you need to pamper yourself: Get a massage, or a pedicure.
Enjoy a glass of wine or some heavenly chocolate.
Something that tells yourself,
‘Hey, I see you, I feel what you’re going through and I’ve got you.
I’ll listen to what you need and I will give that to you.’
Let’s always remember to take care of ourselves and maybe a little extra on the days we really need it.
In love and light

Instant Gratification

Stress, Right now, instant gratification

We are in a time where we want what we want and we want it yesterday.
Everything is about instant gratification.
Nothing is good enough or fast enough.
We are impatient.
Therefore, we are also stressed.

We try to control every outcome. Stress.
We try to line things up perfectly. Stress.
We need it done now!! Stress.

What if we could trust that everything was going to work out?

Could you give up the need to make everything happen a certain way and by a certain time?
Could you let go and surrender to a power bigger than you?
Can you have faith and trust that you are being taken care of?

I hope that we can all learn to let go a little, get out of our own way, and relax… Knowing that everything is happening perfectly.
Have Faith.

In love and light, dear friends.

Love Yourself

Love Yourself So Much
We so often look to others for approval or acceptance.
We look for someone to tell us we are okay.
Always longing for someone to see our worth.
What if we didn’t have to go outside of ourselves to get this validation?
What if we already knew it?
Would you see things differently? Would you act differently?
Would you tolerate less?
You are the most important person in your life.
Why would we hand over our power to someone else?
Lets love, honor, cherish and accept ourselves, with all of our flaws, all of our mistakes and all of our shadows…
Let us see ourselves for the unique, wonderful beings that we are.
Let us know our value in this world.
Let us know that we are worthy, and to never settle for less than we deserve.
And let us also know that we deserve so much more than we’ve settled for….
In love and light, beautiful souls..

Set Yourself Free

Life is Short, set yourself free

I have been running away from and towards things at the same velocity my whole life!  With one foot on the gas and one on the brake.  Running at full speed with a chain around my waist that’s bolted to a slab of concrete.

fly and be free

I have wants.  I have desires.  I have a longing for more.  Every ounce of my being is aching for passion, to give in to reckless abandon.  Cut the chains and limitations that hold me back.  Forego all rules and responsibility.

Continue reading “Set Yourself Free”