Have You Heard of Muscle Testing?
I use muscle testing all the time on myself and on my clients. I use it to test food and supplements. I use it to ask our subconscious mind questions to receive answers about what is going on in the body. Uncovering information about our health, our beliefs, our needs, our blocks, and basically whatever…
Have You Built a Heart-Wall Around Your Heart?
We build a Heart-Wall to protect ourselves. To shield us from experiences we can’t handle and feelings we don’t want to feel. We build them to numb the pain or shock from a situation. From heartbreak, and grief. We don’t EVER want to feel that way again! So, up goes the wall. Built like Fort…
Are Your Emotions Trapped?
What does that even mean? Are my emotions trapped? Trapped where? How do I untrap them? If you are human, you have experienced a multitude of emotions throughout your lifetime. Good emotions, bad emotions, scary or shocking emotions, sadness, grief, shame, fear and dread, resentment and guilt, and that just scratches the surface! Some of…
I Feel So Unsettled, Why Do I feel This Way?
Why do I feel this way? Why do I always feel unsettled? Does this sound like you? You could be stuck in a state of constant stress and conflict. There may be an anchor point to all of this. Let me explain….. At a particular point in your life, (there may be a couple or…
My Story
Hello my friends, this is my story: I am an Emotion, Body, and Belief Code Practitioner. (Energy healing Practitioner). Why do I do what I do? Well, because…I have had many struggles in my life. Depression, debilitating anxiety, sexual abuse, health issues, food sensitivities, Diabetes, thyroid issues, digestive disorders…(so much so, that I was on a…
How are those Resolutions working out for ya?
What if it’s not your fault? Maybe you set some resolutions or intentions this year, maybe you didn’t. Maybe you worked really hard for a day and a half and then forgot, lost interest, stopped, got discouraged, or it was too hard. Maybe you figured what’s the point from the get-go. Maybe you don’t know…
What if Depression is Ok?
Depression has so many faces and so many stages and factors: hormones, cycles, life stages, grief, loss, seasonal affective disorder (SAD is a real thing. It involves science behind a season with more dark and less light, messing with our circadian rhythm, among other things) From the fleeting mood that lasts a few days to…
Self Care Means Giving the World the Best of You
We all hear about self care and the importance of it. There may be some of you, that might not know what that really means. Self care isn’t always about getting your hair or nails done, although that can be part of it.It’s not always about indulging in a piece of chocolate or glass of…
Victim or Victor?
Alright, so we know life is going to challenge us. We know we are going to be faced with obstacles, and we will have to deal with problems.That’s a given.But what do we do when they come?Do we rise to the challenge or do we fall?Do we face it head on or do we run…
Relationships can be hard
Relationships can be hard… I spent a lot of time convincing myself why the relationship I was in, was what I wanted. Why I should try harder… Why I should stay.Relationships have a way of making you think something is wrong with you. I think women especially, have a tendency to think that way. We…
Being an adult can be hard. There are so many demands on your time, your energy, your capabilities. It is so easy to get caught up in the to do lists that never end. We become hardened by life. All the injustices, the hurt, the scars, the traumas and experiences. But…
People Will Tell You Who They Are
I learned the hard way to never fall in love with potential. I have always wanted to see the good in people, give them the benefit of the doubt. Which is not a bad thing, but when it comes to your own well being, and how you end up approaching a relationship with…
Your Life is in your hands. You always have a choice. You can choose to stay the same, or you can choose to do things differently. The choice is still yours. Taking chances are risky, they can be uncomfortable. But they can also be very rewarding. If you want a change in…
Love Didn’t Hurt You
Love is not the reason we hurt. It is not loves fault. We hurt because we find ourselves in entanglements with others who don’t know how to love, or don’t know what to do with it. Not everyone is meant to love you in the same way, at the same degree or as…
Be Prepared to Get What You Want
We can wish for, want and hope for things to come to us or happen to us all day… But unless we are prepared to get it, It could come, smack us in the face and land in our lap, and we still wouldn’t be able to receive it. Whether it’s…