
Best Selling Programs!!

I have created two really great programs! Both with the intention of giving you the best opportunity to create the life you desire!

You get incredible sessions with me, but I’ve also thrown in some tools to help you on your healing journey. These tools in between sessions can really put you back in the driver’s seat of creating lasting change.

I want to give that gift to you. I want to give you that power. I want to be your coach and your cheerleader as we navigate the blocks, imbalances, emotions, and beliefs that are holding you back. Whether that is physical symptoms, or emotional and mental roadblocks.

Both programs are amazing. Choose the one, (or both!) that fit your needs at this time. You can’t go wrong! I will help you navigate what is needed as we walk the path.

Four sessions with me,

~ 2 Emotion/Body Imbalance Sessions

~ 1 Body Scan and Immune system check Session

~ 1 Limiting Belief Session.

Removing imbalances in your body, whether that be physical issues; pain, illness or symptoms in the body.

Emotional blocks: past experiences, things that you can’t move beyond, stuck energy, and/or mental programming or patterns.

Enabling you to free yourself, heal yourself and be the best YOU, you can be.

A value of $300

Pinpointing the areas that need balanced, re-set and realigned.

Allowing the body to have a clear pathway to its own health and healing.

Also checking how well your immune system is functioning.

Addressing the organs and glands that may be imbalanced and affecting your ability to fight off viruses and pathogens and keep your body healthy.

Checking and correcting Brain Communication and Heart Communication

Courage to break the patterns

Discover your own, individual limiting beliefs that stand between you and your goals, happiness, health, and success.

The things that keep you stuck, block out possibility or ability to change.

We develop conclusions about the world and the people in it, very early in life.

By the age of 8, we have formed ideas and beliefs about what we believe, what we’ve been told, what’s been shown to us and how we think we need to be, in order to thrive or survive.

By acknowledging the negative loop that runs through your mind. We can release that thought pattern and work to replace it with new positive beliefs. Read more about that here

Courage stones affirmations

Receive a list of affirmations around your limiting belief, to help speed up the process of creating lasting change in your life.

By having a new positive focus, we have a list of thoughts and beliefs to go to when we find ourselves spiraling in negativity. A reminder of what we really want in our lives and the thinking patterns that will get us there.

A value of $50

A Tapping (EFT) script designed specifically for you, based on your needs. A tool you can use between sessions to really shift your programming and rewire your thoughts and beliefs to more empowering ones.

The power of tapping is transformational!! Tapping on the meridian points is known to turn off our fight or flight and stress alarms, sending a calming response to the brain and body. It allows us to acknowledge what we are feeling, and then, feeling safe to let that energy go.

A value of $95

Total Value of $445

I am offering this program to YOU for $ 297!!!

Five Sessions with me,

~ 1 Emotion/Body Imbalance Sessions

~ 2 Heart Wall Sessions

~1 Anchor Point Session

~ 1 Limiting Belief Session

Removing imbalances in your body, whether that be physical issues; pain, illness or symptoms in the body.

Emotional blocks: past experiences, things that you can’t move beyond, stuck energy, and/or mental programming or patterns.

Enabling you to free yourself, heal yourself and be the best YOU, you can be.

A value of $375

multicolored heart LED light on wall

Removing the layers of emotions you built around your heart for protection but are now isolating you and blocking your ability to receive love and live with an open heart. Read more about that here

anchor point

Finding your anchor point, the moment things changed, and you created a new set point of stress and inability to heal. Bringing you back into a state of calm and balance. Read more about that here

Courage to break the patterns

Discover your own, individual limiting beliefs that stand between you and your goals, happiness, health, and success.

The things that keep you stuck, block out possibility or ability to change.

We develop conclusions about the world and the people in it, very early in life.

By the age of 8, we have formed ideas and beliefs about what we believe, what we’ve been told, what’s been shown to us and how we think we need to be, in order to thrive or survive.

By acknowledging the negative loop that runs through your mind. We can release that thought pattern and work to replace it with new positive beliefs. Read more about that here

Courage stones affirmations

Receive a list of affirmations around your limiting belief, to help speed up the process of creating lasting change in your life.

By having a new positive focus, we have a list of thoughts and beliefs to go to when we find ourselves spiraling in negativity. A reminder of what we really want in our lives and the thinking patterns that will get us there.

A value of $50

A Tapping (EFT) script designed specifically for you, based on your needs. A tool you can use between sessions to really shift your programming and rewire your thoughts and beliefs to more empowering ones.

The power of tapping is transformational!! Tapping on the meridian points is known to turn off our fight or flight and stress alarms, sending a calming response to the brain and body. It allows us to acknowledge what we are feeling, and then, feeling safe to let that energy go.

A value of $95

Total Value of $520

I am offering this program to YOU for $379

And you know what sweetheart?! You are worth it!

Don’t you deserve to feel more confident? To feel comfortable in your own skin? To achieve that goal? To be happy? To finally GO FOR IT?

Don’t you deserve to feel better? To let go of the struggle? Get rid of the pain or illness that no one can quite figure out? Feel healthy, strong, capable and empowered? Aren’t you ready to be free? Wouldn’t you like to feel what is possible for you?

Payments can be made through PayPal or Zelle.

Sessions are done over the phone.