Create a Clean Slate

Creating a clean slate… This is exactly what I have been doing over the past week. We ripped up the carpet and put in vinyl hardwood flooring. It was an extensive project and I hurt in places that I didn’t even know were there! But oh how rewarding it was!!

clean slate hardwood floors

All the dirt and the dust and the muck that accumulates over the years! It felt good to clear that out and clean things up. Giving us a new, fresh, and more open space.
Which got me thinking…

Sometimes a new perspective can really open your mind. Just like the dust bunnies that gather behind your TV stand, you can clear out old patterns, thoughts and habits. Anything that gets you stuck in the same old routine.

Removing those cobwebs may be all it takes to see things differently, to ignite new ideas, or passions, or a sense of hope and possibility.

It doesn’t have to be as extensive as re-doing your floors, it could be rearranging furniture in a room, adding a plant to an empty space, putting something inspirational or beautiful on a blank wall, or clearing off and organizing your desk, work space or a junk drawer.

clean slate

In doing so, hopefully you take a deep breath and see a new light. The window that was stuck, now opens freely. The mirror that was streaked and cloudy, is now more clear than ever.

Now you can see what’s possible. Now you can see what you may need to change. Now there’s room to explore, stretch and expand. Now things are new and open.
Now you are free.

In love and light and creating a clean slate!

in love and light

I would love to hear your thoughts and feedback.

Have you done this? Are you willing to try this?

Leave a comment and let’s talk.
We could all use the support of community. Like minded souls to connect with, now more than ever. Let’s love, support, and uplift each other!

You can also find my video on this discussion.

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