You Attract What You Need

We all develop patterns in our life.
There are certain lessons we need to grow.
Whether they are true or not, there are certain things we believe about ourselves.
Therefore, we bring to ourselves that which we need to learn and to grow.
Do you ever wonder why you keep doing the same things over and over?
Keep dating that same kind of guy?
Keep getting stuck in the same kind of job?
Keep finding the same kind of people that zap your energy?
There is a pattern, a need, a belief you hold that says,
I need this person to choose me, because maybe my father didn’t.
I need this job, because I don’t think I’m capable of anything better or I’m afraid to fail.
I surround myself with negativity, because I’m afraid to be noticed, or made fun of or bullied.
If we can get down to the root of what we believe, and in most cases realize it isn’t even true, we can finally start to break these patterns that are no longer serving us.
We can open up to possibilities and opportunities that we never could consider before.
In love and light
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