I know I waste a lot of time focusing and fearing the future.
What’s next? What’s to come?
Anticipation of, and speculation about up-coming events, and worst-case scenarios.
It seems most of us are planning for this, preparing for that.
Racing against the clock to get things done, to fit it all in.
Which is also why most of us are filled with stress, anxiety and exhaustion.
The very reason we have anxiety, is from living in the future.
Hoping for this outcome, dreading that thing, wishing for this to happen, praying that doesn’t happen…etc.
None of us are actually in this moment, we can’t see that right here and now, all we need to do is just be.
Be at our job, doing what we can, today.
Be with that person, spouse, child or friend. And be completely present with them. Focused 100% on our time, interaction and conversation with them.
And just as important, be with ourselves.
Acknowledge that we are doing our very best.
And however we are feeling, it’s just one day. Honor ourselves and how we feel.
I think it would take a lot of pressure off if we just focused on this day, these 24 hours.
Make the most of these precious hours, prioritize what’s important, and just be there fully with whatever that day holds.
Wishing you all the most amazing 1440 minutes!
In love and light!

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