What Are We Making Monday? Spicy Papaya Salad

What are we making Monday? Today’s top choice is the Spicy Papaya Salad! I did a 10 day salad cleanse recently, and this salad was surprisingly amazing! I wasn’t sure what to think of it, when looking over the recipe, but it did not disappoint. Not only was it delicious, with a bit of spice, it is also super healthy! This salad is rich in fiber, antioxidants, vitamin A, C, E, folic acid, and enzymes for improving digestion and reducing inflammation. It’s a heart healthy, immune boosting, powerhouse!! Yes, please! I’ll have seconds too! Give it a try and let me know what you think!


Spicy Papaya Salad


  • 1/2 large papaya
  • 1/2 red onion
  • 2-3 handfuls arugula
  • 2 small cucumbers
  • 1 small bunch cilantro
  • 1 jalapeno pepper
  • 1/4 cup shredded coconut


  • Start by tearing the arugula into bite sized pieces
  • slice the red onion into long strips
  • slice the cucumbers thinly
  • chop the cilantro
  • Slice the papaya in half, lengthwise, scoop out seeds and cut into bite sized cubes
  • slice the jalapeno into thin pieces, keep some seeds for the spice, depending on your preference
  • Toast the coconut in a pan, let cool and add to the salad
  • Toss all ingredients together and serve with olive oil and lime, or a balsamic vinaigrette
Keyword delicious, food, foodgasm, foodporn, healthy, mexican, nutritious, Papaya salad, spice, summer, superfood

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