Welcome to My Blog!

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Welcome!  My friends and members of my tribe,

Thank you for being here!

I have been on a spiritual journey for half of my life, but I didn’t fully understand what that even meant until about 3 years ago.

I had just gotten out of a serious relationship.  One that left me feeling completely heart broken, confused, and exhausted.

I had also developed a condition where I couldn’t eat anything but bone broth and rice for 2 years.  I will dive deeper into these topics in future posts.


I’ve always felt that there are two sides to me.  One side is a free spirit; a fun-loving, adventurous, spiritual hippie.  Wanting to say YES to life.  Throwing caution to the wind. To live uninhibited and FREE!!!

The other side has layers of limitations, rules, structure and fear.  I always thought the duality was the Gemini in me.  Which could be partially true.  I guess you could say, one side is soul driven, and the other side is driven by the mind.  Guess which one usually wins that fight?


So after years of fighting with…well, myself apparently,  I’m willing to find another way.  I have taken a deep dive into self-help books, programs, online courses, energy medicine, meditation…you name it.  And as I implement all I’ve learned, that is where you, my friends, come in.  To join me on this journey of self exploration, self love and acceptance.  To find comfort in the struggles, celebrate the triumphs and to share in the beauty, the inspiration and in the pure awe of, that in spite of everything, the sun still shines every morning.

In love and light

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