We accept the Love We Think We Deserve

We are so unaware of the thoughts we think,
Or the beliefs we hold.
Surely we all think we deserve great things,
and we want great things.
And we do,
but sometimes there is a hidden belief deep inside,
that will only allow so much greatness for us.
We all have our comfort zones.
The place that feels natural and normal to us.
But the sad thing is,
is that comfort zone doesn’t always mean it feels good.
It’s just what we’re used to,
what we’ve accepted,
what we know how to maneuver through and around.
Therefore, we lower our expectations.
We settle for less,
and we convince ourselves we are happy.
Until we decide to be aware of who we are,
and to know our worth,
then mediocracy may be all that we can accept.
There is nothing wrong with that.
But if we want to raise that bar at all,
if we want to fulfill our dreams, desires or goals,
we must learn to check in with ourselves and see.
See if we can truly accept, completely allow and know in our hearts,
that we deserve every single great thing that comes our way.
And if it isn’t great, it isn’t ours.
My hopes are, that we can all learn to reach a little higher.
In love and light!
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