Thorn Bushes

Is the glass half full or half empty?
You get to decide.
Do you focus on what’s wrong in any given situation or
do you see the potential?
Do you focus on the dark or
can you see the light at the end of the tunnel?
Are you burdened by the difficulty you’re going through or
can you see the opportunity within it?
We all go through hardships, trauma, sickness and pain.
But it’s in those moments that we need to recognize that these things, although difficult to deal with, bring us messages we need to hear.
They bring us opportunities to grow.
Not everything is happening to us, but FOR us.
Can you see the silver lining?
Can you be willing to look at things a different way?
In love and light, my dear friends
and a garden full of roses!
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2 Replies to “Thorn Bushes”

  1. Robin,
    I am going through quite a time myself right now and after reading this I did see the silver lining. I can now see clearly the opportunity that is right in front of me. I always think why is this happening to me? I don’t deserve this. Now I realize all of it is happening for me, for a reason. I will grow to be better because of the lessons I’m learning. Thank you for all your posts of inspiration! I always look forward to your witty and wise Wednesday’s! Thank you for helping me! I never knew a “ pen pal” could be my best friend in times of need

    1. Thank you so much for your comment. You don’t know how much that means to me. When I set out on this journey, my only hope was that if I could reach just one person, help them find a little hope and inspiration, that would be enough for me!
      I hope that whatever you are going through gets easier and you rise above and receive all the blessings from it.
      All the love and light you can hold.

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