There Will Always Be Someone Who Can’t See Your Worth

We give way too much credit to what other people think of us. Waaay too much power.
Fact is, not everyone is going to “get” you. Not everyone is going to ‘see’ you the way you want them to. And that’s ok. They don’t have to.
What matters the most, is how you see you.
Do you know who you are?
Do you believe in that person?
If the answer is no, why not?
When things don’t go right, do you abandon yourself? Do you put yourself down? What are the things you’re telling yourself? Can you trust that no matter what, you have your own back?
If you don’t stand up for you, why do you expect someone else to? Why do you think they can give you more than you can?
These are all very good questions to ask yourself.
Check in with yourself.
Remind yourself that you are the most important person in your life.
One of my favorite lines from the movie “The Holiday” is, “You are the leading lady of your own life, but for some reason you are acting like the best friend.” If there was a movie about your life, would you be the lead character or would you be playing second best?
Think about that.
It seems like a no brainer, but for some reason, a lot of us dim our light and give our power to someone else.
Just know, if someone can’t see your worth, they are not worth your time.
If you can’t see your own worth, you are doing a huge disservice to yourself, and the world. You are unique and special, and you bring something that no one else can. YOU!!
You are worthy.

In love and light and knowing your worth.
Watch the video!

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