There is Magic in Writing

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I have always enjoyed writing.  Passing notes in class.  Letters to people I would never send.  Some not so great poetry, and countless diaries.

There are at least a dozen spiral notebooks laying around my house.  Each are filled with to do lists, grocery lists, and things to remember.  There are random pages with letters to the guy that broke my heart, or a kick ass pep talk to myself, about why I am not where I want to be.  They contain motivational pieces, bucket lists, and the “new plan” that will finally change my life forever, and so on.

writing, notebooks, magic

I have about five really nice, special books designed to be a diary, that are as blank as the day I got them.  I just can’t seem to commit to that kind of structure!!  Those pages are reserved for really special thoughts,  and so far, my randomness has not deemed worthy.  So I’ve always just stuck with my spiral notebooks that won’t judge me.

hamster wheel, writing is magic

There is something magical in writing.  It frees up my mind, by removing all the clutter.  We have thousands of thoughts everyday.  Writing allows those thoughts to land somewhere, rather than riding the hamster wheel in our minds.

It provides clarity, releases stress, and helps motivate.  It creates order and keeps me on track.

So instead of going over and over something that I need to do, or a situation that I’m not sure how to handle,  I can write it out.  Removing it from the rotation, which in turn frees up more space to focus on what really matters.

I can be more present in the moment, rather than predicting the future or regretting what’s past.

writing gives me strength

It also allows me to find answers to questions I have and sometimes even to questions I didn’t know I had.  It’s like an open channel from intuition or soul, straight through the pen to the paper!  It is quite amazing!

writing gives me courage

I don’t know if it’s a -detaching from your problem-thing, or just the freedom of expression.  You’ve unlocked the gates of the mind trap that thinks you need to speak, think, or do things a certain way to be accepted.

That bright, blank piece of paper holds the promise of unleashing all the thoughts and feelings of the person you want to be, the person you know you are, and the person you can be without the judgement and insecurities.

If that isn’t magic I don’t know what is.

In love and light,

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