
Worry is a waste of a good imagination

If they gave out awards for worrying, this is an area I would excel in.
I have spent the majority of my life worrying.
Worry about if I was good enough.
Worry about what others thought of me.
Worry about things that might happen.
Worry about things that didn’t happen.
Worry. Worry. Worry.
If only I had known how much I limited myself by worrying.
How many things I missed, avoided, or cancelled out because of it.
How many great ideas, amazing adventures and wonderful
opportunities I allowed myself to worry myself out of.
Imagine if I could allow myself to explore the limitless boundaries
of my imagination and run with it, instead of shrink away from it.
The unlimited possibilities.
The beauty and surprises of life.
Why waste so much energy on worrying about what might be,
or could happen, and experience nothing?
Instead, why not be in the moment,
make the best of what IS happening,
and experience everything?

Let our imagination run wild and free!

In love and light!