Baby Steps

waterfall, my first baby step

If you didn’t read my last blog, How comfortable is your comfort zone?  You can read that here. I took my own advice and set out on an adventure, practicing baby steps…

taking my baby steps

Travelling makes me uncomfortable.  I don’t have many memories of great trips or experiences in my past.  They are all clouded with car sickness, boat sickness, airplane sickness, and just plain sickness for no reason. Yay me!!

I do have some pretty funny memories of being so drugged up on Dramamine that I walked into the men’s bathroom instead of the women’s.  But again, I was so drugged up, I wasn’t able to participate in the humor.

So needless to say, I don’t find travelling enjoyable, and have even developed a fear of it.  But I am determined to push past the restriction of my own limitations, so I tested my ability.

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