Self Care

Being a florist, I just came off one of my most grueling holiday weeks… Valentine’s Day.
That consists of at least two weeks preparation, long hours and hard work.
On your feet all day, lifting heavy boxes and buckets of flowers. Scheduling help and keeping on task.
Managing orders and the quality of your product.
Aching hands from stripping stems, cutting and arranging.
This is the time where self care really comes into play.
We all have times where we feel beat up.
By our jobs, our relationships, or just by a certain day we are having.
It is important to know when you need a little more TLC.
Maybe you need a little more sleep, or allow yourself to do a little less of your housework.
Maybe you need to pamper yourself: Get a massage, or a pedicure.
Enjoy a glass of wine or some heavenly chocolate.
Something that tells yourself,
‘Hey, I see you, I feel what you’re going through and I’ve got you.
I’ll listen to what you need and I will give that to you.’
Let’s always remember to take care of ourselves and maybe a little extra on the days we really need it.
In love and light