Are You Stressing About Stress?


How much stress do you have?

We are in the thick of a very stressful time, in an already incredibly stressful year.

It’s Christmas time! We’re shopping, trying to find the perfect gift, stressing that it is enough. The stores are busy, people are grumpy, retail staff are exhausted.

We’re bumping elbows in the aisles, when we’re supposed to be 6 feet away. It’s hot, stuffy, hard to breathe, and for some of us, we can’t see through our fogged up glasses because of our masks. Does that sound about right?

All of that while still maintaining our every day lives–Work schedules, kids, home life, and trying to find balance within it all.
So, I’ve put together a short list of do’s and don’ts to help you get through the holiday season. Hopefully, with a little less stress and a lot more joy.

~Do embrace the spirit of giving.~ Don’t go overboard, or beyond what you can afford. Give from the heart and that will always be enough.
~Do try to find little moments and make them special~ Don’t forget what the spirit and magic of the season is really about
~Do things that bring you joy

stress cup of cocoa
  1. Drink hot cocoa
  2. Go on a search for the best Christmas light display
  3. Start a new tradition (It’s a good year to do that since it may be different for you this year anyway)
  4. Watch Christmas movies- (my favorites are Elf, Christmas Vacation, and I’m a sucker for Hallmark movies)

~Don’t forget to give to yourself and know when you need a break
~Do remember to be kind. To yourself, to a stranger, and to everyone you meet. ~Don’t forget we are all in this together!

In love and light and finding the magic of Christmas!

in love and light

I would love to hear your thoughts and feedback.

What brings you joy? What moments did you make special? What are your favorite Christmas movies or traditions?

Please leave a comment and share with me.

You can also find my video here on this discussion.
We could all use the support of community. Like minded souls to connect with, now more than ever. Let’s love, support, and uplift each other!

Where You Want to Be

Where you want to be
I know I waste a lot of time focusing and fearing the future.
What’s next? What’s to come?
Anticipation of, and speculation about up-coming events, and worst-case scenarios.
It seems most of us are planning for this, preparing for that.
Racing against the clock to get things done, to fit it all in.
Which is also why most of us are filled with stress, anxiety and exhaustion.
The very reason we have anxiety, is from living in the future.
Hoping for this outcome, dreading that thing, wishing for this to happen, praying that doesn’t happen…etc.
None of us are actually in this moment, we can’t see that right here and now, all we need to do is just be.
Be at our job, doing what we can, today.
Be with that person, spouse, child or friend. And be completely present with them. Focused 100% on our time, interaction and conversation with them.
And just as important, be with ourselves.
Acknowledge that we are doing our very best.
And however we are feeling, it’s just one day. Honor ourselves and how we feel.
I think it would take a lot of pressure off if we just focused on this day, these 24 hours.
Make the most of these precious hours, prioritize what’s important, and just be there fully with whatever that day holds.
Wishing you all the most amazing 1440 minutes!
In love and light!


Always wanting what we don’t have…
Looking ahead at the next thing,
the next person,
the next place.
Why are we never satisfied or complete with what is right here in front of us?
At one time, we wished for what we have, right now.
Yes, it is important to keep wishing, to keep dreaming, to keep striving for better.
But what is the point, if we keep missing, or more importantly forget to be grateful for everything we have, or have achieved?
What are you thankful for today?
What have you learned along the way?
Don’t count out the victories and accomplishments.
Take a minute to just be right here, right now and be thankful.
This moment, is all any of us really have, so lets bathe in it’s richness, absorb its amazingness, and enjoy it to the fullest.
In love and light!

Instant Gratification

Stress, Right now, instant gratification

We are in a time where we want what we want and we want it yesterday.
Everything is about instant gratification.
Nothing is good enough or fast enough.
We are impatient.
Therefore, we are also stressed.

We try to control every outcome. Stress.
We try to line things up perfectly. Stress.
We need it done now!! Stress.

What if we could trust that everything was going to work out?

Could you give up the need to make everything happen a certain way and by a certain time?
Could you let go and surrender to a power bigger than you?
Can you have faith and trust that you are being taken care of?

I hope that we can all learn to let go a little, get out of our own way, and relax… Knowing that everything is happening perfectly.
Have Faith.

In love and light, dear friends.