I Am Strong

I Am Strong
We sometimes need to see both sides of the spectrum to fully appreciate the greatness in each moment.
How would we know one without the other?
When we come up against our darkness,
our mistakes,
our flaws,
our weaknesses,
we are then able to see our limits and our humanness.
To see where our boundaries need to be set.
And when we need a little more compassion for ourselves.
Knowing these things about ourselves,
gives us reason.. motivation..
to do better,
to be better,
to live better.
Fully embrace both sides of the coin.
Let that be our guide to know what we do and do not want.
What’s good for us and what is not.
What we will accept and what we won’t.
Know that each moment of despair has taught us something about ourselves and made us so much stronger, beautiful, fearless, wise, and loving because of it.
In love and light!

Life Is Not Black and White

Life is not black and white, color
We all expect life to come with a rule book.
Something we can refer to when things get hard, or we don’t know what to do.
It would be nice to know all the answers, have some guidelines, and a guarantee of a certain outcome.
But life is not that way.
Life is messy.
Life is hard.
Life is a constant game of trial and error, mistakes and lessons, and success and failures.
There are no rules.
I think we all strive to do the best we can, and be the best we can with what’s available to us.
Whether that’s knowledge, or strengths, or through lessons learned.
We all have our own stories, our own paths and reasons for doing what we do.
Who are we to judge what is right for someone else?
Who are we to decide their choices are right or wrong?
They may be doing exactly what they need to, to find their path, follow their heart, and to be their best self.
I think we can all have a little more compassion, a little more love, for those around us.
Let’s blur those lines a little.
Get rid of thinking things have to be a certain way.
Add a little color to our lives and take some risks.
We can only benefit for what we learn along the way.
In love and light and COLOR!!

Thorn Bushes

Rose and thorn bushes
Is the glass half full or half empty?
You get to decide.
Do you focus on what’s wrong in any given situation or
do you see the potential?
Do you focus on the dark or
can you see the light at the end of the tunnel?
Are you burdened by the difficulty you’re going through or
can you see the opportunity within it?
We all go through hardships, trauma, sickness and pain.
But it’s in those moments that we need to recognize that these things, although difficult to deal with, bring us messages we need to hear.
They bring us opportunities to grow.
Not everything is happening to us, but FOR us.
Can you see the silver lining?
Can you be willing to look at things a different way?
In love and light, my dear friends
and a garden full of roses!

Start Over

Start over
I struggle on a daily basis to allow myself to have the things I want.
I struggle to make choices and decisions I should stick with.
I struggle to go after the things that are good for me.
Mostly because…
I struggle with feeling uncomfortable.
I struggle with making the wrong choice.
And I struggle with feeling disappointed.
I am at a point right now, where I have found that life, I could choose to chase it, and I could go after everything I’ve ever wanted.
Can I be brave enough? Courageous enough? Trust enough?
I think the most important aspect to remember is that I always have a choice, I always have my own back and to always love myself, through it all.
No matter how hard it gets.
No matter how scary.
No matter how long it takes,
or how many times I get stuck and start again.
Love who I am, and the strength it takes to overcome and be proud of every little victory on the way.
In love and light my darlings, start over.

We accept the Love We Think We Deserve

We accept the love we think we deserve
We are so unaware of the thoughts we think,
Or the beliefs we hold.
Surely we all think we deserve great things,
and we want great things.
And we do,
but sometimes there is a hidden belief deep inside,
that will only allow so much greatness for us.
We all have our comfort zones.
The place that feels natural and normal to us.
But the sad thing is,
is that comfort zone doesn’t always mean it feels good.
It’s just what we’re used to,
what we’ve accepted,
what we know how to maneuver through and around.
Therefore, we lower our expectations.
We settle for less,
and we convince ourselves we are happy.
Until we decide to be aware of who we are,
and to know our worth,
then mediocracy may be all that we can accept.
There is nothing wrong with that.
But if we want to raise that bar at all,
if we want to fulfill our dreams, desires or goals,
we must learn to check in with ourselves and see.
See if we can truly accept, completely allow and know in our hearts,
that we deserve every single great thing that comes our way.
And if it isn’t great, it isn’t ours.
My hopes are, that we can all learn to reach a little higher.
In love and light!

Forgive Yourself

Forgive yourself
We can be our own worst enemy.
The harshest critic.
We think that if we are not perfect, that somehow, that makes us unlovable.
If we choose the wrong partner, and for whatever reason it doesn’t work out, then something is fundamentally wrong with us.
We see ourselves as abnormal if we are not like everyone else.
We tell ourselves we’re not good enough, pretty enough, thin enough, smart enough….
And the list goes on…
But you know what?
WE are enough! YOU are enough!
There is no one like you in this world. That is reason enough to celebrate!
We each bring our own kind of magic, our own kind of beauty, to all the lives we touch.
We need to honor who and what we are.
Embrace all of our imperfections, insecurities and what we see as flaws.
Love and accept all the parts of ourselves that feel unlovable.
No matter where we’ve been or what we’ve done, we all deserve to be loved.
Forgive yourself for not being able to do that.
Let’s begin to heal those wounds, and start loving ourselves for the amazing individuals we truly are!
In love and light!

Never Leave Yourself Behind

never leave yourself behind
It has always been a challenge of mine to be able to give myself what I need, and yet be available and loving towards another.
It is a hard thing to balance your own needs and those of the ones you love.
We see ourselves as selfish if we put our own needs first.
We are afraid that others will think we don’t love them if they aren’t our top priority.
In reality, unless we fill ourselves up and meet our own needs, we are not able to give our full potential to anyone else.
If we don’t, we get a half assed attempt at taking care of ourselves,
our loved ones get a half assed version of our ability to be there,
and we are all getting only part of our needs met.
Now imagine, If we were able to completely fulfill our needs,
We would have more energy, love and compassion to share with others,
We could give them all of our presence in their company,
and we would all get every one of our needs met.
Take a little time to honor and care for yourself, give yourself what you need.
And watch how more fulfilling your life and your relationships become.
In love and light.