Keep Some Room for the Unimaginable

Keep some room in you heart for the unimagineable
I was listening to a motivational speaker one day.
They said, to tell yourself, as a daily personal mantra,
“I am open to more good than I’ve ever realized, experienced or imagined in my life before.”
These few words changed the game for me.
It opened up the idea that there was so much more than the small limitations I placed on myself.
That I didn’t have to settle for what small heights I reached for.
That there was more than what I’ve always known.
If you can be willing to explore the idea that there is so much more out there..
Beyond your capacity to think it up,
That there are limitless possibilities awaiting,
You may be surprised at the blessings that life hands you on a regular basis.
Let’s open up and make room for the unimaginable!
In love and light.

Daddy Issues

Daddy's Girl

A father is supposed to be a man you can look up to, someone you admire.  For a girl, your daddy is someone that treats you like a princess, someone who loves you and comforts you.  A girls’ dad is the foundation of what the man of your dreams should look like, act like, and how they should treat you.

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Baby Steps

waterfall, my first baby step

If you didn’t read my last blog, How comfortable is your comfort zone?  You can read that here. I took my own advice and set out on an adventure, practicing baby steps…

taking my baby steps

Travelling makes me uncomfortable.  I don’t have many memories of great trips or experiences in my past.  They are all clouded with car sickness, boat sickness, airplane sickness, and just plain sickness for no reason. Yay me!!

I do have some pretty funny memories of being so drugged up on Dramamine that I walked into the men’s bathroom instead of the women’s.  But again, I was so drugged up, I wasn’t able to participate in the humor.

So needless to say, I don’t find travelling enjoyable, and have even developed a fear of it.  But I am determined to push past the restriction of my own limitations, so I tested my ability.

Continue reading “Baby Steps”

There is Magic in Writing

magic in writing

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I have always enjoyed writing.  Passing notes in class.  Letters to people I would never send.  Some not so great poetry, and countless diaries.

There are at least a dozen spiral notebooks laying around my house.  Each are filled with to do lists, grocery lists, and things to remember.  There are random pages with letters to the guy that broke my heart, or a kick ass pep talk to myself, about why I am not where I want to be.  They contain motivational pieces, bucket lists, and the “new plan” that will finally change my life forever, and so on.

Continue reading “There is Magic in Writing”