Have You Built a Heart-Wall Around Your Heart?
We build a Heart-Wall to protect ourselves. To shield us from experiences we can’t handle and feelings we don’t want to feel. We build them to numb the pain or shock from a situation. From heartbreak, and grief. We don’t EVER want to feel that way again! So, up goes the wall. Built like Fort…
Relationships can be hard
Relationships can be hard… I spent a lot of time convincing myself why the relationship I was in, was what I wanted. Why I should try harder… Why I should stay.Relationships have a way of making you think something is wrong with you. I think women especially, have a tendency to think that way. We…
Do You Believe in Karma?
Ahhh.. Karma.. What goes around, comes around… You never win playing dirty.. And of course, the famous declaration of Karma is a bitch…right? I have a love/hate relationship with the use of the word karma. I find it hilarious actually, that the ones that hide behind the stance of karma is a bitch, are usually…
Time Decides Who You Meet in Your Life
Time decides who you meet in your life, Your heart decides who you want in your life, Your behavior decides who stays in your life. ~Ziad K. Abdelnour Time.. There are certain people you meet at certain times or stages in your life. People you need in that moment. People that support you. People that…
How I Keep My Guy Healthy
Since I have been home these last couple of months, I’ve been able to reprioritize my life. I’ve been doing more beneficial things for myself, such as: Self Care Practices Creating soothing and comforting spaces in and around my home Writing more Eating and expanding my healthy food choices to keep David’s and my immune…
We accept the Love We Think We Deserve
We are so unaware of the thoughts we think, Or the beliefs we hold. Surely we all think we deserve great things, and we want great things. And we do, but sometimes there is a hidden belief deep inside, that will only allow so much greatness for us. We all have our…
Love Didn’t Hurt You
Love is not the reason we hurt. It is not loves fault. We hurt because we find ourselves in entanglements with others who don’t know how to love, or don’t know what to do with it. Not everyone is meant to love you in the same way, at the same degree or as…
Love Yourself
We so often look to others for approval or acceptance. We look for someone to tell us we are okay. Always longing for someone to see our worth. What if we didn’t have to go outside of ourselves to get this validation? What if we already knew it? Would you see things differently? Would…
Being Vulnerable Part II
Being Vulnerable Part II, ….and in Health {Read Part I In sickness…here} Another aspect of vulnerability I am challenged with is in relationships. I am a very capable woman, and I like that about me. But it is a blessing and a curse. I like that I can take care of myself, that I can…
Set Yourself Free
I have been running away from and towards things at the same velocity my whole life! With one foot on the gas and one on the brake. Running at full speed with a chain around my waist that’s bolted to a slab of concrete. I have wants. I have desires. I have a longing for…
Daddy Issues
A father is supposed to be a man you can look up to, someone you admire. For a girl, your daddy is someone that treats you like a princess, someone who loves you and comforts you. A girls’ dad is the foundation of what the man of your dreams should look like, act like, and…
When You Struggle With Who You Are
Why do we put so much pressure on ourselves to be a certain way, act a certain way, believe a certain way? It took me a long time to know who I am and to be comfortable in my own skin. I know who I am, but I’ve always struggled with being okay with who…
If Looks Could…Give You an Orgasm
So, speaking of dating and understanding the male species, funny story today. There is a guy I run into on a regular basis. We talk a bit and then go on our way. But today, today he saw me, laser beamed his way to me and hijacked my bubble. There wasn’t any consideration of 3…
What is Going On in the Dating World?!
Being a hopeless romantic in a hookup culture is a special kind of hell I am not a dater. I never have been, and probably never will be. I’ve always been the relationship girl. That’s what we used to do. If you like someone, then you’re together. End of story… Not anymore. I am at…
You and I Collide
It’s hard to know why certain people come into your life. We’ve all heard the adage of a reason, a season, or a lifetime. We are all uniquely connected in some way or another, but there are certain people, special people, who come and change your world forever.