Create a Clean Slate

clean slate

Creating a clean slate… This is exactly what I have been doing over the past week. We ripped up the carpet and put in vinyl hardwood flooring. It was an extensive project and I hurt in places that I didn’t even know were there! But oh how rewarding it was!!

clean slate hardwood floors

All the dirt and the dust and the muck that accumulates over the years! It felt good to clear that out and clean things up. Giving us a new, fresh, and more open space.
Which got me thinking…

Sometimes a new perspective can really open your mind. Just like the dust bunnies that gather behind your TV stand, you can clear out old patterns, thoughts and habits. Anything that gets you stuck in the same old routine.

Removing those cobwebs may be all it takes to see things differently, to ignite new ideas, or passions, or a sense of hope and possibility.

It doesn’t have to be as extensive as re-doing your floors, it could be rearranging furniture in a room, adding a plant to an empty space, putting something inspirational or beautiful on a blank wall, or clearing off and organizing your desk, work space or a junk drawer.

clean slate

In doing so, hopefully you take a deep breath and see a new light. The window that was stuck, now opens freely. The mirror that was streaked and cloudy, is now more clear than ever.

Now you can see what’s possible. Now you can see what you may need to change. Now there’s room to explore, stretch and expand. Now things are new and open.
Now you are free.

In love and light and creating a clean slate!

in love and light

I would love to hear your thoughts and feedback.

Have you done this? Are you willing to try this?

Leave a comment and let’s talk.
We could all use the support of community. Like minded souls to connect with, now more than ever. Let’s love, support, and uplift each other!

You can also find my video on this discussion.

Setting Intentions


Setting intentions.

The year is coming to a close.
This year brought us many things.
It brought us confusion and fear. It brought us stress and anxiety. It brought uncertainty. It brought change.
It also brought an opportunity.
An opportunity to remember to take care of ourselves a little more. A chance to look at our lives and see what really matters. It allowed us to experiment and try new ways of doing things. Exploring other options, interests and hobbies.
Maybe we can take these things, the lessons learned, the hardships endured, and the new sparks of insight and interests and create a year of possibility.
Set our intentions for the New Year not just as resolutions to quit this, lose that, or try this, but as a new reality.
Creating a life of our dreams, not just a list of things you write down and never look at again.
But as a vision, a feeling..
See your life as you want it to be, feel how amazing it is. See what steps you can take, thoughts you can think (or change) to step into the life you love and deserve.

In love and light and setting intentions

in love and light

I would love to hear your thoughts and feedback.

Have you done this? Are you willing to try this?

Please leave a comment and tell me what your intentions are.

You can also find my video here on this discussion.
We could all use the support of community. Like minded souls to connect with, now more than ever. Let’s love, support, and uplift each other!

Are You Stressing About Stress?


How much stress do you have?

We are in the thick of a very stressful time, in an already incredibly stressful year.

It’s Christmas time! We’re shopping, trying to find the perfect gift, stressing that it is enough. The stores are busy, people are grumpy, retail staff are exhausted.

We’re bumping elbows in the aisles, when we’re supposed to be 6 feet away. It’s hot, stuffy, hard to breathe, and for some of us, we can’t see through our fogged up glasses because of our masks. Does that sound about right?

All of that while still maintaining our every day lives–Work schedules, kids, home life, and trying to find balance within it all.
So, I’ve put together a short list of do’s and don’ts to help you get through the holiday season. Hopefully, with a little less stress and a lot more joy.

~Do embrace the spirit of giving.~ Don’t go overboard, or beyond what you can afford. Give from the heart and that will always be enough.
~Do try to find little moments and make them special~ Don’t forget what the spirit and magic of the season is really about
~Do things that bring you joy

stress cup of cocoa
  1. Drink hot cocoa
  2. Go on a search for the best Christmas light display
  3. Start a new tradition (It’s a good year to do that since it may be different for you this year anyway)
  4. Watch Christmas movies- (my favorites are Elf, Christmas Vacation, and I’m a sucker for Hallmark movies)

~Don’t forget to give to yourself and know when you need a break
~Do remember to be kind. To yourself, to a stranger, and to everyone you meet. ~Don’t forget we are all in this together!

In love and light and finding the magic of Christmas!

in love and light

I would love to hear your thoughts and feedback.

What brings you joy? What moments did you make special? What are your favorite Christmas movies or traditions?

Please leave a comment and share with me.

You can also find my video here on this discussion.
We could all use the support of community. Like minded souls to connect with, now more than ever. Let’s love, support, and uplift each other!

Take the First Step

stake the first step

This is a very relatable quote in my life.
I’m the type of person that needs to see the whole picture. I need to know the outcome of any given situation, before I can move forward.
And, I must admit, even then, it’s still hard to move forward. Doubts, insecurities, and what if questions come flooding in.
I want to know the answer before I even know the question! I want to know the outcome before I even take the first step.
Looking at things this way can be extremely overwhelming! For crying out loud, look at all of those steps! That staircase is massive!! How will I ever get to the top?!
It’s no wonder that climb is intimidating. No wonder things don’t get accomplished. And no wonder I stay exactly where I am.
Not to mention, going about life and goals this way, sure takes away the magic and surprises of your day to day experiences.
So, my challenge is to take away the whole staircase. It’s a little less daunting that way.
Take away the how, and the outcome, and just focus on the first step. What’s one thing I can do right now that moves me in the direction I want to go?
Take that one step, which will then unfold into the next step and the next.
Before you know it you’ll be at the top of that staircase, looking down, surprised and rewarded with how far you’ve come.
Allowing the best outcomes to reveal themselves one step at a time.

In love and light and taking that first step!
