
Worry is a waste of a good imagination

If they gave out awards for worrying, this is an area I would excel in.
I have spent the majority of my life worrying.
Worry about if I was good enough.
Worry about what others thought of me.
Worry about things that might happen.
Worry about things that didn’t happen.
Worry. Worry. Worry.
If only I had known how much I limited myself by worrying.
How many things I missed, avoided, or cancelled out because of it.
How many great ideas, amazing adventures and wonderful
opportunities I allowed myself to worry myself out of.
Imagine if I could allow myself to explore the limitless boundaries
of my imagination and run with it, instead of shrink away from it.
The unlimited possibilities.
The beauty and surprises of life.
Why waste so much energy on worrying about what might be,
or could happen, and experience nothing?
Instead, why not be in the moment,
make the best of what IS happening,
and experience everything?

Let our imagination run wild and free!

In love and light!

Start Over

Start over
I struggle on a daily basis to allow myself to have the things I want.
I struggle to make choices and decisions I should stick with.
I struggle to go after the things that are good for me.
Mostly because…
I struggle with feeling uncomfortable.
I struggle with making the wrong choice.
And I struggle with feeling disappointed.
I am at a point right now, where I have found that life, I could choose to chase it, and I could go after everything I’ve ever wanted.
Can I be brave enough? Courageous enough? Trust enough?
I think the most important aspect to remember is that I always have a choice, I always have my own back and to always love myself, through it all.
No matter how hard it gets.
No matter how scary.
No matter how long it takes,
or how many times I get stuck and start again.
Love who I am, and the strength it takes to overcome and be proud of every little victory on the way.
In love and light my darlings, start over.

We accept the Love We Think We Deserve

We accept the love we think we deserve
We are so unaware of the thoughts we think,
Or the beliefs we hold.
Surely we all think we deserve great things,
and we want great things.
And we do,
but sometimes there is a hidden belief deep inside,
that will only allow so much greatness for us.
We all have our comfort zones.
The place that feels natural and normal to us.
But the sad thing is,
is that comfort zone doesn’t always mean it feels good.
It’s just what we’re used to,
what we’ve accepted,
what we know how to maneuver through and around.
Therefore, we lower our expectations.
We settle for less,
and we convince ourselves we are happy.
Until we decide to be aware of who we are,
and to know our worth,
then mediocracy may be all that we can accept.
There is nothing wrong with that.
But if we want to raise that bar at all,
if we want to fulfill our dreams, desires or goals,
we must learn to check in with ourselves and see.
See if we can truly accept, completely allow and know in our hearts,
that we deserve every single great thing that comes our way.
And if it isn’t great, it isn’t ours.
My hopes are, that we can all learn to reach a little higher.
In love and light!

Forgive Yourself

Forgive yourself
We can be our own worst enemy.
The harshest critic.
We think that if we are not perfect, that somehow, that makes us unlovable.
If we choose the wrong partner, and for whatever reason it doesn’t work out, then something is fundamentally wrong with us.
We see ourselves as abnormal if we are not like everyone else.
We tell ourselves we’re not good enough, pretty enough, thin enough, smart enough….
And the list goes on…
But you know what?
WE are enough! YOU are enough!
There is no one like you in this world. That is reason enough to celebrate!
We each bring our own kind of magic, our own kind of beauty, to all the lives we touch.
We need to honor who and what we are.
Embrace all of our imperfections, insecurities and what we see as flaws.
Love and accept all the parts of ourselves that feel unlovable.
No matter where we’ve been or what we’ve done, we all deserve to be loved.
Forgive yourself for not being able to do that.
Let’s begin to heal those wounds, and start loving ourselves for the amazing individuals we truly are!
In love and light!


Being an adult can be hard.
There are so many demands on your time, your energy, your capabilities.
It is so easy to get caught up in the to do lists that never end.
We become hardened by life.
All the injustices, the hurt, the scars, the traumas and experiences.
But once upon a time, you were a child, with a world full of hope and promise.
Even if you didn’t have that, there was a purity or innocence within you.
Find the child inside you, that may have been buried under all of life’s hard lessons.
The little one who believed in magic. Who could dream and play in a fantasy land.
Find that child and let them dance. Let them play. Let them open up a world of beauty and wonder and surprise that you may have forgotten about.
Let them teach you how to fly.
In love and light!

People Will Tell You Who They Are

Believe them
I learned the hard way to never fall in love with potential.
I have always wanted to see the good in people, give them the benefit of the doubt.
Which is not a bad thing,
but when it comes to your own well being,
and how you end up approaching a relationship with someone,
You should listen.
People will tell you who they are.
If they tell you, you’re too good for them, you probably are.
If they are mean to the waitress, your friends, or you,
They are telling you who they are.
You don’t need to make excuses for them, or try to change them.
Allow them to be who they are.
And allow yourself to walk away.
You deserve so much more than someone’s potential.
In love and light!


Your Life is in your hands.
You always have a choice.
You can choose to stay the same, or you can choose to do things differently.
The choice is still yours.
Taking chances are risky, they can be uncomfortable.
But they can also be very rewarding.
If you want a change in your life, big or small, make that choice, take that chance, and reach for something beyond your comfort.
It could change your life.
And even if it doesn’t, and it’s a complete disaster,
you will still have gained something in the trying.
Give yourself the opportunity to explore your capabilities.
To reach new heights,
Fulfill your desires,
And learn so much about yourself in the process.
In love and light!

Avoid the Drama

Avoid the drama
I have always been fortunate in the fact that I have attracted really good people to me in my life.
But there have been times when I’ve gotten sucked into drama and other people’s negative energy.
We may not notice how much of an energy drain that can be.
We must learn to protect our own energy.
It may not always be easy to eliminate or get away from some of the toxic people in our lives, especially if they are family or maybe a co-worker,
But if we can focus more on the good in our life,
Surround ourselves with people that lift us up,
Laugh uncontrollably, even at the silliest of things,
That’s the good stuff.
That’s the stuff that matters.
See the beauty in everything.
Be grateful for all that you do have.
Life is meant to be enjoyed.
In love and light

Never Leave Yourself Behind

never leave yourself behind
It has always been a challenge of mine to be able to give myself what I need, and yet be available and loving towards another.
It is a hard thing to balance your own needs and those of the ones you love.
We see ourselves as selfish if we put our own needs first.
We are afraid that others will think we don’t love them if they aren’t our top priority.
In reality, unless we fill ourselves up and meet our own needs, we are not able to give our full potential to anyone else.
If we don’t, we get a half assed attempt at taking care of ourselves,
our loved ones get a half assed version of our ability to be there,
and we are all getting only part of our needs met.
Now imagine, If we were able to completely fulfill our needs,
We would have more energy, love and compassion to share with others,
We could give them all of our presence in their company,
and we would all get every one of our needs met.
Take a little time to honor and care for yourself, give yourself what you need.
And watch how more fulfilling your life and your relationships become.
In love and light.

Never Regret Being a Good Person

Never regret being a good person
We are all just doing the best we can.
We are only responsible for ourselves.
Be authentic to who you are, no matter what.
You will cross paths with people who don’t deserve your love, your time, or your attention.
You will be judged by people that don’t even know you.
You will give everything you’ve got, to people that can’t appreciate all you have to offer.
You can’t take any of that personal.
It’s not about you, it’s about them.
They have their own unresolved pain, insecurities, and hurt that they don’t know how to deal with.
That is not your burden to bear.
All you can do is…
Be proud of who YOU are.
Have compassion for yourself and others.
Be the person YOU can feel good about, in any situation.
In love and light and authenticity!

Love Didn’t Hurt You

Love Didin't Hurt You
Love is not the reason we hurt.
It is not loves fault.
We hurt because we find ourselves in entanglements with others
who don’t know how to love,
or don’t know what to do with it.
Not everyone is meant to love you in the same way, at the same degree or as fiercely as you love them.
Not everyone will love you back.
It has nothing to do with how much love you have,
But how well you give it, and how you express it.
Be willing to give and receive love.
Be willing to let love go.
Not all love is yours.
Love should feel free.
Love is not something to be feared.
Love fully.
Love freely.
Love unconditionally.
Love with everything you have and you will always have enough.
In LOVE and light

Self Care

Being a florist, I just came off one of my most grueling holiday weeks… Valentine’s Day.
That consists of at least two weeks preparation, long hours and hard work.
On your feet all day, lifting heavy boxes and buckets of flowers. Scheduling help and keeping on task.
Managing orders and the quality of your product.
Aching hands from stripping stems, cutting and arranging.
This is the time where self care really comes into play.
We all have times where we feel beat up.
By our jobs, our relationships, or just by a certain day we are having.
It is important to know when you need a little more TLC.
Maybe you need a little more sleep, or allow yourself to do a little less of your housework.
Maybe you need to pamper yourself: Get a massage, or a pedicure.
Enjoy a glass of wine or some heavenly chocolate.
Something that tells yourself,
‘Hey, I see you, I feel what you’re going through and I’ve got you.
I’ll listen to what you need and I will give that to you.’
Let’s always remember to take care of ourselves and maybe a little extra on the days we really need it.
In love and light

Instant Gratification

Stress, Right now, instant gratification

We are in a time where we want what we want and we want it yesterday.
Everything is about instant gratification.
Nothing is good enough or fast enough.
We are impatient.
Therefore, we are also stressed.

We try to control every outcome. Stress.
We try to line things up perfectly. Stress.
We need it done now!! Stress.

What if we could trust that everything was going to work out?

Could you give up the need to make everything happen a certain way and by a certain time?
Could you let go and surrender to a power bigger than you?
Can you have faith and trust that you are being taken care of?

I hope that we can all learn to let go a little, get out of our own way, and relax… Knowing that everything is happening perfectly.
Have Faith.

In love and light, dear friends.

Keep Some Room for the Unimaginable

Keep some room in you heart for the unimagineable
I was listening to a motivational speaker one day.
They said, to tell yourself, as a daily personal mantra,
“I am open to more good than I’ve ever realized, experienced or imagined in my life before.”
These few words changed the game for me.
It opened up the idea that there was so much more than the small limitations I placed on myself.
That I didn’t have to settle for what small heights I reached for.
That there was more than what I’ve always known.
If you can be willing to explore the idea that there is so much more out there..
Beyond your capacity to think it up,
That there are limitless possibilities awaiting,
You may be surprised at the blessings that life hands you on a regular basis.
Let’s open up and make room for the unimaginable!
In love and light.

When Fear Raises Its Ugly Head

Fear raises Its ugly head

Why is it, when things are going well…

When everything you’ve always wanted is standing right in front of you…

When your wishes and dreams can come true…

That is when fear decides to raise its ugly head.

Ugly Head

Is it because all of those things remove you from your reality as you know it? Whether your reality is good or bad or somewhere in between, at least you know what to expect from it. You know how to navigate it.

Is it because now you have something to lose? Can you handle the disappointment, the let down, the agonizing heartbreak (once again) if you lose it all?

Is it because you don’t think you are worthy or deserve it? And why is that? Who says? What ever gave you the idea that you deserve less than what you’ve always wanted? And why have you always reached for and settled for things that were so small?

Fear, You decide You're good enough for you

Is it just plain self sabotage? You tell yourself, ‘Let’s just break this possibility before it breaks me.’

Is it simply because you’ve made it out to be so much more than it actually is? With that, comes so much pressure. What happens when reality sinks in? What happens when things aren’t perfect…when you’re not perfect? What if it’s not enough? What if you’re not enough?

Unfortunately, I don’t have the answers to these questions. I , myself, have fallen off course. But I do know, I’m not that far off course. I do know that these are just thoughts. Irrational thoughts maybe, and they don’t hold any truth. This is also the time that I know I need to honor myself, and these irrational thoughts and fears. Honor that they are very real for me. This is the time that I need to take a step back. A time to find my center of gravity. Allow myself to re- align with who I truly am. Get back on course. Not to fix a problem or even say that I have a problem, but just to simply allow space to let things naturally resolve themselves.

It might also be helpful to acknowledge that I am in the process of breaking down barriers and long held beliefs or patterns. To realize that I am not going backwards, but maybe just shedding another layer or two that will allow me to escalate to the next level. Hopefully once and for all, leaving behind what I used to know and all the pain that goes with it!

Fear can be very convincing and very debilitating. Fear can make you believe things that aren’t true. Fear can confuse your reality.

believe in the good things coming when fear raises

If we can allow ourselves to see through all the muck and the mud, see ourselves as valuable, worthy and capable, we can also allow ourselves to deflect those fears and insecurities, and the doubts that keep us stuck. Where finally, FINALLY, we can move forward with out the darkness and gloom, replacing it with excitement and hope for what’s to come. All the good we deserve to have and never allowed ourselves to see. Opening up to possibilities that we may have previously rejected.

Can you imagine the life you could have, if you knew you deserved to have it? And guess what? You do!! We all do! How remarkable!!

In love and light,