Forgive Yourself

Forgive yourself
We can be our own worst enemy.
The harshest critic.
We think that if we are not perfect, that somehow, that makes us unlovable.
If we choose the wrong partner, and for whatever reason it doesn’t work out, then something is fundamentally wrong with us.
We see ourselves as abnormal if we are not like everyone else.
We tell ourselves we’re not good enough, pretty enough, thin enough, smart enough….
And the list goes on…
But you know what?
WE are enough! YOU are enough!
There is no one like you in this world. That is reason enough to celebrate!
We each bring our own kind of magic, our own kind of beauty, to all the lives we touch.
We need to honor who and what we are.
Embrace all of our imperfections, insecurities and what we see as flaws.
Love and accept all the parts of ourselves that feel unlovable.
No matter where we’ve been or what we’ve done, we all deserve to be loved.
Forgive yourself for not being able to do that.
Let’s begin to heal those wounds, and start loving ourselves for the amazing individuals we truly are!
In love and light!