Fear or Fearless?

fear, fearless

I have known this concept.

I have heard this concept.

There are many teachings about this concept.
And I think the simplicity of that statement is understood on some level.
But…I have had a really hard time truly understanding this concept.
If that were true…
I would be a sky diving, bungee jumping, lunging from buildings, risk taking freak show!
I know fear. I mean I Knoooow fear.

I have a deep intimate relationship with fear that some could consider unhealthy. LOL.

So why then, am I not some insane, thrill seeking, adrenaline junkie?
The teachings all say that you can’t experience one without the other.

You can’t see light without the dark.

You can’t know one thing without knowing its opposite.
I get the idea of contrast.
get that things would always be the same without it.
What I don’t get, is after knowing decades of fear, why is it that I don’t yet know, what it is to be fearless?
Maybe it’s my definition of the word fearless?
Maybe I discount all the times I have been fearless because it wasn’t what I thought it should look like or I wasn’t, at the times I needed to be the most?
Maybe it’s bringing me to be grateful and notice all the times I was?
When all I want to do is push away the times that I am not, maybe it’s asking me to really appreciate the difference?
To notice the strength it took.
To notice my resilience in the times I overcame a fear or obstacle.
Noticing that, in that moment, I AM Fearless.

In love and light and knowing the difference.


I’m curious, what does this quote mean to you? What is your understanding of it? I would love to hear different view points and maybe more clarity into my own understanding. Leave a comment and explore this meaning with me.

When Fear Raises Its Ugly Head

Fear raises Its ugly head

Why is it, when things are going well…

When everything you’ve always wanted is standing right in front of you…

When your wishes and dreams can come true…

That is when fear decides to raise its ugly head.

Ugly Head

Is it because all of those things remove you from your reality as you know it? Whether your reality is good or bad or somewhere in between, at least you know what to expect from it. You know how to navigate it.

Is it because now you have something to lose? Can you handle the disappointment, the let down, the agonizing heartbreak (once again) if you lose it all?

Is it because you don’t think you are worthy or deserve it? And why is that? Who says? What ever gave you the idea that you deserve less than what you’ve always wanted? And why have you always reached for and settled for things that were so small?

Fear, You decide You're good enough for you

Is it just plain self sabotage? You tell yourself, ‘Let’s just break this possibility before it breaks me.’

Is it simply because you’ve made it out to be so much more than it actually is? With that, comes so much pressure. What happens when reality sinks in? What happens when things aren’t perfect…when you’re not perfect? What if it’s not enough? What if you’re not enough?

Unfortunately, I don’t have the answers to these questions. I , myself, have fallen off course. But I do know, I’m not that far off course. I do know that these are just thoughts. Irrational thoughts maybe, and they don’t hold any truth. This is also the time that I know I need to honor myself, and these irrational thoughts and fears. Honor that they are very real for me. This is the time that I need to take a step back. A time to find my center of gravity. Allow myself to re- align with who I truly am. Get back on course. Not to fix a problem or even say that I have a problem, but just to simply allow space to let things naturally resolve themselves.

It might also be helpful to acknowledge that I am in the process of breaking down barriers and long held beliefs or patterns. To realize that I am not going backwards, but maybe just shedding another layer or two that will allow me to escalate to the next level. Hopefully once and for all, leaving behind what I used to know and all the pain that goes with it!

Fear can be very convincing and very debilitating. Fear can make you believe things that aren’t true. Fear can confuse your reality.

believe in the good things coming when fear raises

If we can allow ourselves to see through all the muck and the mud, see ourselves as valuable, worthy and capable, we can also allow ourselves to deflect those fears and insecurities, and the doubts that keep us stuck. Where finally, FINALLY, we can move forward with out the darkness and gloom, replacing it with excitement and hope for what’s to come. All the good we deserve to have and never allowed ourselves to see. Opening up to possibilities that we may have previously rejected.

Can you imagine the life you could have, if you knew you deserved to have it? And guess what? You do!! We all do! How remarkable!!

In love and light,

Set Yourself Free

Life is Short, set yourself free

I have been running away from and towards things at the same velocity my whole life!  With one foot on the gas and one on the brake.  Running at full speed with a chain around my waist that’s bolted to a slab of concrete.

fly and be free

I have wants.  I have desires.  I have a longing for more.  Every ounce of my being is aching for passion, to give in to reckless abandon.  Cut the chains and limitations that hold me back.  Forego all rules and responsibility.

Continue reading “Set Yourself Free”

Baby Steps

waterfall, my first baby step

If you didn’t read my last blog, How comfortable is your comfort zone?  You can read that here. I took my own advice and set out on an adventure, practicing baby steps…

taking my baby steps

Travelling makes me uncomfortable.  I don’t have many memories of great trips or experiences in my past.  They are all clouded with car sickness, boat sickness, airplane sickness, and just plain sickness for no reason. Yay me!!

I do have some pretty funny memories of being so drugged up on Dramamine that I walked into the men’s bathroom instead of the women’s.  But again, I was so drugged up, I wasn’t able to participate in the humor.

So needless to say, I don’t find travelling enjoyable, and have even developed a fear of it.  But I am determined to push past the restriction of my own limitations, so I tested my ability.

Continue reading “Baby Steps”