
None of us like to look at the things that are wrong.
It feels awful to be uncomfortable.
We all want to resist the problems, the concerns, our feelings, and the reality of what’s happening.
But if we can just sit with it,
Notice and acknowledge that it’s there,
There comes a freedom with that.
We’re not adding to our misery by fighting it.
Sometimes we don’t need to fix it.
We can accept that we are temporarily not where we want to be.
Sometimes we need to embrace the darkness before we can accept the light.
Then, in time, turn back to Faith.
Knowing that the light will shine again,
Things will get better.
This too shall pass, and we will begin again.
In love and light and Faith!

Faith and Trust

Have Faith in things working out



Two simple words…

With two great meanings…

Both requiring us to believe in what we can’t see. Both requiring us to believe in the unexpected or unknown. Both requiring a great deal of discipline on our part.

To let go and be okay with not having all the answers… To not having everything planned out.

But to have a deeper knowing that everything will work out… A comfort in knowing we are being guided and protected.

Life is not a game of chess, where our every move is meticulously planned out…

Life is messy.

Life is full of surprises and changes. If we are so busy resisting things and insisting things, we could miss out on the true blessings that life has to offer

So together, let’s try to have FAITH in the unknown, and TRUST that everything works out exactly the way it is supposed to… and better than we imagined.

In love and light