Something Wonderful is About to Happen

It is so easy to fall into the work, eat, sleep, rinse and repeat cycle.
We live our lives on auto pilot, the same day lived over and over again.

What if, instead of the same old thoughts…
the same old feeling of dread…
the same old demands of work or to do lists that await our attention…
We were able to wake up feeling excited about our day…
Open to the possibilities that something good was going to happen…
Filled with hope and eagerness about what the day could bring…

And why can’t we choose to wake up this way, instead of the dread?
Maybe with a more optimistic approach,
it would open up a chance for something good to happen,
something to be excited about,
something we would have missed,
if we allowed ourselves to stay in our robotic trance.

I say there’s nothing to lose, you may find, that just the act of being
hopeful will turn your day around automatically.

So tomorrow morning, let’s all wake up and think to ourselves,
it’s going to be a good day.
I can’t wait to see what this day has in store.
I wonder what amazing thing will happen today..

Give it a try for a week or two, let me know how it turns out.
If nothing changes, you can go back to dreading the day.
But what if it changes everything??

In love and light, my friends.
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