Our Journey

We all come into this world perfect.
Pure, innocent, honest and authentic.
Our hearts are wide open.
Full of love, and hope.
Our eyes are bright with curiosity, wonder, and awe.
As we travel through life,
we experience difficulty, disappointment, and struggles.
We begin to add layers of protection around us,
to shield us from all that is painful.
We tell ourselves stories of why things happen,
and begin to close our hearts,
as the brightness in our eyes begin to fade.
We think that we have to be more than we are,
We have to do better,
Be better.
We have to find our purpose.
But what if our purpose is to be US!
The same pure, innocent, honest and authentic self we came here as.
We don’t have to become anything.
We are already enough!
Our only challenge is removing the layers we’ve added.
Re-telling our stories, so we see the lesson and growth,
more than the pain.
Knowing we are worthy of all the good in this world,
and knowing we are a part of that,
that we have an impact on the lives we touch.
No matter how small the gesture,
Our presence means something to everyone we come in contact with.
So instead of thinking we have to do something to become who we were meant to be,
Why don’t we just start BEing who we have always truly been?
In love and light!
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