Now What is This Exactly?!

Robin Michael Holistic Energy Healing what is this exactly

“I was fortunate enough to participate in several heart wall sessions with Robin. I was not sure what to expect, but it turned out to be an amazing and incredibly positive experience. Her calm, kind demeanor put me at ease right away, and in all honesty, I am typically a nervous and anxious person.”~~J.C.

What Is This Exactly?

So, you’re probably asking yourself about now, what is this exactly? What is this Emotional freedom stuff? How do we let go?  How do we release all this emotional garbage we’ve held onto for years??

Let me explain first why it’s there.  Trapped emotions (emotional baggage) and even Heart-Walls are just left-over emotional energies that are stuck in our bodies from past emotional experiences that we couldn’t’ process at the time.  It may have been too traumatic or maybe we just didn’t want to deal with it at the time. Specifically for Heart-Walls, we built them for protection, to keep us safe.  While they served its purpose at the time, they are now just blocking our heart, so to speak, from opening, from connecting with others, from fully giving and receiving love.  Possibly feeling like you never fit in.  Feeling like you have always had a dark cloud over your head.  Holding onto this emotional baggage can influence the way we think, act and live.  To name a few, these are some ways it can show up:

  •     In relationships~ always attracting the same kind of partner
  •     Feeling stuck in some area of your life (health, money, career, etc.)
  •     Not able to reach or achieve your goals
  •     Experiencing health issues or imbalances in the body

Our health greatly depends on the quality of energy that flows through and makes up our bodies.  That’s where I come in. We may not know that we have these trapped emotions, we may think that we have “gotten over” or “dealt with” these experiences, through therapy or on our own.   The subconscious mind is a powerful tool.  It is 99% of our intelligence. It keeps all the systems of the body running efficiently:  Expanding our lungs to breathe, pumping our heart, digesting our food. It is the computer database of your entire life. It knows every moment, every experience, every face you’ve seen, every food you’ve ever tasted, every feeling you’ve had. It knows exactly what we need to feel better and to heal. Through muscle testing, (kinesiology) we can access your subconscious mind, find where the block or emotion is coming from and release it. By releasing these trapped emotions, it allows your body to return to its natural ability to heal.  Restoring balance and energetic flow.  Note:  The side effects of this could include:

  • Helping you feel lighter and freer
  • More confident
  • Opening up and seeing new possibilities
  • Feeling healthier and more energetic
  • A change in the choices you make 
  • Inspired and excited about life again 
  • Feeling more connected to others                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

Our bodies truly are remarkable.  They do so much for us that we take for granted.  If this sounds like something you would be interested in, if you want to show up in this world with everything you have to offer, take up the space that you are so deserving of, if you are wanting to live your best life and feel free, then book a session with me today!  (And if you don’t think you can take up that space, or are intimidated by this idea, then let’s release the blocks that are keeping you from thinking about what could be possible!)  Check out my Services page to receive extra savings!!  Much love.

(From the teachings of The Emotion Code)

I had the honor and privilege of being interviewed by MysticMag. Click here if you’d like to receive more clarity on this work and what I do.

Click here to read my interview with MysticMag!

The process was very intriguing. Some of my heart walls were from the recent past and some went very far back into my childhood. I had different emotional and physical reactions as we released different heart walls. After releasing a feeling of worthlessness, I felt a huge, physical sigh of relief. ~~Jodee C


The Science Behind Energy Medicine.

Read About It Here.


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