Never Leave Yourself Behind

It has always been a challenge of mine to be able to give myself what I need, and yet be available and loving towards another.
It is a hard thing to balance your own needs and those of the ones you love.
We see ourselves as selfish if we put our own needs first.
We are afraid that others will think we don’t love them if they aren’t our top priority.
In reality, unless we fill ourselves up and meet our own needs, we are not able to give our full potential to anyone else.
If we don’t, we get a half assed attempt at taking care of ourselves,
our loved ones get a half assed version of our ability to be there,
and we are all getting only part of our needs met.
Now imagine, If we were able to completely fulfill our needs,
We would have more energy, love and compassion to share with others,
We could give them all of our presence in their company,
and we would all get every one of our needs met.
Take a little time to honor and care for yourself, give yourself what you need.
And watch how more fulfilling your life and your relationships become.
In love and light.
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