
Negativity is a dark cloud.
An easy trap to fall into.
When all you can see is what is going wrong, negativity becomes your bitter friend.
You can also be the most positive person around, and if all you are surrounded with is blame, shame, complain, you too can fall into this darkness.
We must protect our energies, choose our surroundings, and decide our tribe of people we want to be around.
As an empath, I really have to be careful with this one, as I tend to take on the energies of others.
When things go dark, it is hard to find the light.
But, if I can remember to harness my shield, withdraw from groups of gossip, repel attacks of judgement, and return to who I really am, it makes things so much easier to find all the good in the world.
I can then see my light.
I can be a point of inspiration, a place of comfort and a person of authenticity.
And that is who I choose to be.
With that, comes beauty and wonderful opportunities in my life.
I get to experience life from a place of hope.
I get to see, and be grateful for all the things I’m blessed with.
My hope is that we can all look for that silver lining in every situation. Not everything that happens can be changed, but we CAN change what we do with it.
In love and light! and distance from negativity!

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4 Replies to “Negativity”

  1. Reading this makes me feel as if people create their own drama and negativity. Sometimes you have to not just get away from that type of behavior but also to not create it. As I have grown through my divorce and a very difficult time. I had to own my own stuff. Even though I was cheated on and left basically homeless I had to own my own stuff before I could move on. Because removing myself from the negativity and drama left me feeling empty and alone. Dealing with it and owning it left me free to move on with my new life and love.

    1. Thank you for sharing your story.
      I agree completely that people can create there own negativity and drama.
      I also believe there is a difference between owning your stuff and sinking into the darkness of negative situations;
      whether created by yourself or others.
      We don’t want to become a sinking ship, where we take ourselves and everyone we know down with us.
      It’s a much better life if we can rise above and uplift ourselves and those around us.
      There are definitely growing periods where we have to recognize, acknowledge, and take responsibility for our own actions and our lives.
      But we also have the choice to come at that from a higher perspective, without causing and creating our own prison. Without playing the victim or pushing blame onto others.
      Dealing with it and owning it can be difficult to do, and not always easy to see.
      The fact that you were able to recognize your part is half the battle. That shows your strength and level of personal growth. That’s great!!
      Thank you for reaching out. I wish you much luck on your journey.

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