We all expect life to come with a rule book.
Something we can refer to when things get hard, or we don’t know what to do.
It would be nice to know all the answers, have some guidelines, and a guarantee of a certain outcome.
But life is not that way.
Life is messy.
Life is hard.
Life is a constant game of trial and error, mistakes and lessons, and success and failures.
There are no rules.
I think we all strive to do the best we can, and be the best we can with what’s available to us.
Whether that’s knowledge, or strengths, or through lessons learned.
We all have our own stories, our own paths and reasons for doing what we do.
Who are we to judge what is right for someone else?
Who are we to decide their choices are right or wrong?
They may be doing exactly what they need to, to find their path, follow their heart, and to be their best self.
I think we can all have a little more compassion, a little more love, for those around us.
Let’s blur those lines a little.
Get rid of thinking things have to be a certain way.
Add a little color to our lives and take some risks.
We can only benefit for what we learn along the way.
In love and light and COLOR!!

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