Life as an Introvert

Oh the life of an introvert!
Which is also the life of an empath, or HSP (Highly Sensitive Person).
And when you are all three….
Just as much as we need their understanding,
We really need them to have a sense of humor!
It’s tough making you’re way through life overwhelmed and constantly on sensory overload.
When your nervous system is in overdrive, it’s pretty much game over!
Oh how we wish we were normal, and it was easy to get excited about plans and events.
I’ve always said, everything sounds fun in the future…
But when it gets down to it, and it’s time to go…whaa. whaaa.
Usually the most excitement we feel is when our plans are cancelled!
So, I ask, if you have a friend who is an introvert, an empath, or an HSP, don’t leave them out.
Invite them, include them.
Just know,
that they won’t know,
if they’re actually coming until 5 minutes before,
they most likely will be arriving late,
and their stay might be short.
But love them, laugh with them, and appreciate the effort it takes.
These sensitive beings have all kinds of wonderful qualities that make them unique, special and unlike anyone you’ve ever known.
Send them that invite, just know that the term R.S.V.P. does not apply to them.
In love and light!
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