If Looks Could…Give You an Orgasm

So, speaking of dating and understanding the male species, funny story todayThere is a guy I run into on a regular basis.  We talk a bit and then go on our way.  But today, today he saw me, laser beamed his way to me and hijacked my bubble.  There wasn’t any consideration of 3 feet of personal space.  He couldn’t stand close enough to me!

3 feet of personal space

His vibe was so strong that I felt like I was in his mind, I could feel his thoughts!  Holy crap!!  Pardon me for lack of a better way to paint this picture, but his F@#$ me eyes were so intense that if he had stared at me for another minute and a half, I probably would have had an orgasm!

If looks could give you an orgasm

I don’t know what was different about this day, maybe just that his vibe was so extreme or my empathic ability to feel it so strongly was heightened.

He did proceed to ask me out for a drink, which confirms what I am experiencing here is actually real, because he has never asked me out before.  But I am so twitter-pated at this point, I can’t seem to find my center of gravity.  I’m flustered and flushed.  I don’t know if I need to take a shower or start training for a 5K marathon, because all of a sudden, running sounds like something I really want to do and I hate running!

training for a 5k marathon

He gets called away, which allows me to regroup, catch my breath, and freak out in my own bubble, which by the way is now completely deflated and lost of all it’s buoyancy.

deflated bubble

Oh yeah, did I mention this guy is married? Yeah.  Fun twist.

In another post, I mentioned the two sides of me.  Free spirit Frieda says, Heck yeah!  Go have fun! Spin that moral compass!  Ignite your passion!  Leave your inhibitions!  Get out of the desert and take a swim in the ocean! (metaphorically speaking).

moral compass

But Rule ridden Rita, who follows the moral high ground with her compass pointing firmly North, throws in her two cents.  What are you even thinking?!  Absolutely not!!  He is OFF Limits!!

Now, I have been cheated on in the past.  That is not something I condone or wish upon anyone.  It’s just the worst feeling to be disrespected and de-valued in that way.

So, moral of the story.  Although I may have gotten caught up in the intensity of it all.  My morals remained in tact.

There are many reasons this happens; boredom, excitement, thrill and adrenaline, emptiness, loneliness, and the list goes on and on. I understand not everything is black and white, but if you are in a loveless or maybe just stale marriage, and you want to fix it, don’t try to fill the void or mend the broken pieces with anything other than the glue that holds you together, it just doesn’t stick.

In love and light

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