How Lovely It Is To Let Things Go

The beauty of fall.
The vibrant color of the leaves.
The fresh, crisp air.
The wonder of nature.
The tree shines in all it’s glory, it’s true brilliance of color for only a few weeks.
Only to drop them all, for a period of rest, and then begin again.
Can we not see, how this cycle could serve us?
If we could shine our light as brightly as we can,
and then when needed, pause and strip down to our true authentic selves.
Recalibrate and ask ourselves;
What is working and what isn’t?
What can I do more of in my life?
How can I best serve others?
Am I being true to myself and others?
Find out what areas you can improve on and what things you need to let go of.
Are you holding on to anger?
Or guilt?
Or fear?
Are these things serving you?
There is always a chance to begin again.
The choice is yours on how you want that to be.
And with the change of the season, let us all feel the sweet relief of all the things we can let go of, as we allow each leaf to drop…
and begin anew.
In love and light!
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