
We don’t often know what to do with our emotions.
We don’t always want to deal with them.
Some of us try to run from them.
Some search for someone else to blame for them.
And most of us don’t even understand them!
When life hands us a difficult situation or struggle, we all too often want to blame, shame or complain.
Which is understandable.
We don’t want to go through it or deal with it.
We don’t want to search through the mess or the pain of what we’re feeling.
We might even want to throw a tantrum.
We have all been there.
Which is exactly why we learn compassion for others when they are doing the same.
That is why we allow them space to sort through the mess.
That is also why we don’t take their projections personally.
Their words and actions may hurt, but that is when we remember it has nothing to do with us.
It is their own internal struggle.
We don’t have to tolerate their behavior, but maybe we can find a little compassion and understanding for them.
In doing so, that is where we learn grace.
In love and light!
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