Fear or Fearless?

I have known this concept.

I have heard this concept.

There are many teachings about this concept.
And I think the simplicity of that statement is understood on some level.
But…I have had a really hard time truly understanding this concept.
If that were true…
I would be a sky diving, bungee jumping, lunging from buildings, risk taking freak show!
I know fear. I mean I Knoooow fear.

I have a deep intimate relationship with fear that some could consider unhealthy. LOL.

So why then, am I not some insane, thrill seeking, adrenaline junkie?
The teachings all say that you can’t experience one without the other.

You can’t see light without the dark.

You can’t know one thing without knowing its opposite.
I get the idea of contrast.
get that things would always be the same without it.
What I don’t get, is after knowing decades of fear, why is it that I don’t yet know, what it is to be fearless?
Maybe it’s my definition of the word fearless?
Maybe I discount all the times I have been fearless because it wasn’t what I thought it should look like or I wasn’t, at the times I needed to be the most?
Maybe it’s bringing me to be grateful and notice all the times I was?
When all I want to do is push away the times that I am not, maybe it’s asking me to really appreciate the difference?
To notice the strength it took.
To notice my resilience in the times I overcame a fear or obstacle.
Noticing that, in that moment, I AM Fearless.

In love and light and knowing the difference.


I’m curious, what does this quote mean to you? What is your understanding of it? I would love to hear different view points and maybe more clarity into my own understanding. Leave a comment and explore this meaning with me.

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