Breaking the Patterns

We all have our comfort zones.
Some have comfort in chaos and pain.
~Although unhealthy, it may be all we know.
Others find comfort in routine.
~doing the same things over and over because it is reliable.
We all do what makes sense for us.
~For our survival.
~For our sanity.
~Because we just may not know any better, or know another way.
I’m at a point where I am no longer comfortable being comfortable in my comfort zone.
~Reread that. I swear that makes sense..
I want more out of life.
I want to live my life.
The very thought of stepping out and doing something different is absolutely terrifying!!
~Frozen in fear.
~Exhausted with the amount of energy it takes to move out of my comfort.
But I think, I think, just beyond that fear and dread, and exhaustion, is where we find our courage.
That is where we let go of what’s not working for us and holding us back.
And that’s where we step into a whole new world of possibilities!
In love and light and finding our courage!
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