Belief Code Sessions

How We Form Our Beliefs

We develop conclusions and a belief about the world and the people in it, very early in life.

By the age of 8, we have formed ideas and beliefs about what we believe, what we’ve been told, what’s been shown to us and how we think we need to be, in order to thrive or survive.

As children, we absorbed and accepted what was happening around us, what was being said around, or to us, and what was modeled for us. We then make assumptions based on our experiences. We conclude that, “this happened, therefore, this must be true.” This creates our beliefs.

Whether it is true or not, it is true for us. The only thing that mattered to us and our subconscious mind is that we survive, that we are safe.

Although these beliefs may have served their purpose and have kept us safe, they are also the things that are holding us back now. Now, we’re afraid to do that thing, afraid to take that risk, unsure of our capabilities, and stuck in a rut.

There are several different ways our beliefs can show up to sabotage our life, most of the time without us even knowing about it. We just accept it. “That’s just the way it is, that’s just the way I am. “

I’m here to tell you, that isn’t the way it has to be. We can release the beliefs you’ve formed, or were formed for you, consciously or unconsciously. Once we release them, it feels like you are able to see things better than you ever could. You see things differently, you open up to doing things differently, and a whole new world opens up to you. How great is that?

(From the teachings of The Belief Code at