Be Prepared to Get What You Want



We can wish for, want and hope for things to come to us or happen to us all day…
But unless we are prepared to get it,
It could come, smack us in the face and land in our lap,
and we still wouldn’t be able to receive it.
Whether it’s self sabotage,
or not believing it could happen,
or not feeling like we deserve it to be a reality,
It doesn’t matter.
We are not prepared or ready, we are standing in our own way to receive greatness.
We need to take a deep look within and ask ourselves,
Do I believe I deserve this?
If the answer is no, Why?
If the answer is Yes, What am I afraid will happen if I get it?
We can come to a place of understanding our blocks,
Remove the barriers that keep us stuck,
Realize how worthy we really are,
Allow great things into our life,
And get out of our own way!
In love and light
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