Forgive Yourself
We can be our own worst enemy. The harshest critic. We think that if we are not perfect, that somehow, that makes us unlovable. If we choose the wrong partner, and for whatever reason it doesn’t work out, then something is fundamentally wrong with us. We see ourselves as abnormal if we…
Being an adult can be hard. There are so many demands on your time, your energy, your capabilities. It is so easy to get caught up in the to do lists that never end. We become hardened by life. All the injustices, the hurt, the scars, the traumas and experiences. But…
People Will Tell You Who They Are
I learned the hard way to never fall in love with potential. I have always wanted to see the good in people, give them the benefit of the doubt. Which is not a bad thing, but when it comes to your own well being, and how you end up approaching a relationship with…
Your Life is in your hands. You always have a choice. You can choose to stay the same, or you can choose to do things differently. The choice is still yours. Taking chances are risky, they can be uncomfortable. But they can also be very rewarding. If you want a change in…
Avoid the Drama
I have always been fortunate in the fact that I have attracted really good people to me in my life. But there have been times when I’ve gotten sucked into drama and other people’s negative energy. We may not notice how much of an energy drain that can be. We must learn to protect…
Never Leave Yourself Behind
It has always been a challenge of mine to be able to give myself what I need, and yet be available and loving towards another. It is a hard thing to balance your own needs and those of the ones you love. We see ourselves as selfish if we put our own needs…
Never Regret Being a Good Person
We are all just doing the best we can. We are only responsible for ourselves. Be authentic to who you are, no matter what. You will cross paths with people who don’t deserve your love, your time, or your attention. You will be judged by people that don’t even know you.…
Love Didn’t Hurt You
Love is not the reason we hurt. It is not loves fault. We hurt because we find ourselves in entanglements with others who don’t know how to love, or don’t know what to do with it. Not everyone is meant to love you in the same way, at the same degree or as…
Be Prepared to Get What You Want
We can wish for, want and hope for things to come to us or happen to us all day… But unless we are prepared to get it, It could come, smack us in the face and land in our lap, and we still wouldn’t be able to receive it. Whether it’s…
You Attract What You Need
We all develop patterns in our life. There are certain lessons we need to grow. Whether they are true or not, there are certain things we believe about ourselves. Therefore, we bring to ourselves that which we need to learn and to grow. Do you ever wonder why you keep doing the same things…
Be You, Anyway
You are only responsible for yourself and your own actions in this world. You can’t expect anyone to do things the way you would. It really doesn’t matter what anyone else does. What matters is that you are true to who you are and how you show up in this world. …
Self Care
Being a florist, I just came off one of my most grueling holiday weeks… Valentine’s Day. That consists of at least two weeks preparation, long hours and hard work. On your feet all day, lifting heavy boxes and buckets of flowers. Scheduling help and keeping on task. Managing orders and the quality of your product.…
Instant Gratification
We are in a time where we want what we want and we want it yesterday.Everything is about instant gratification.Nothing is good enough or fast enough.We are impatient.Therefore, we are also stressed. We try to control every outcome. Stress.We try to line things up perfectly. Stress.We need it done now!! Stress. What if we could…
Love Yourself
We so often look to others for approval or acceptance. We look for someone to tell us we are okay. Always longing for someone to see our worth. What if we didn’t have to go outside of ourselves to get this validation? What if we already knew it? Would you see things differently? Would…
Keep Some Room for the Unimaginable
I was listening to a motivational speaker one day. They said, to tell yourself, as a daily personal mantra, “I am open to more good than I’ve ever realized, experienced or imagined in my life before.” These few words changed the game for me. It opened up the idea that there…