Time Decides Who You Meet in Your Life
Time decides who you meet in your life, Your heart decides who you want in your life, Your behavior decides who stays in your life. ~Ziad K. Abdelnour Time.. There are certain people you meet at certain times or stages in your life. People you need in that moment. People that support you. People that…
Committed to Crazy
Oh my God! Isn’t that the truth? When I first saw this quote, I just had to laugh….Hard!We all know that someone or maybe several someones that just make you shake your head and say…Really??! But they’re really committed to it, so it’s like, Wow! At least they’re really good at something!To understand someone’s mind…
Fear or Fearless?
Whaaa-t?!?I have known this concept. I have heard this concept. There are many teachings about this concept.And I think the simplicity of that statement is understood on some level.But…I have had a really hard time truly understanding this concept.If that were true…I would be a sky diving, bungee jumping, lunging from buildings, risk taking freak…
Take the First Step
This is a very relatable quote in my life.I’m the type of person that needs to see the whole picture. I need to know the outcome of any given situation, before I can move forward.And, I must admit, even then, it’s still hard to move forward. Doubts, insecurities, and what if questions come flooding in.I want to…
Summer Peach Smoothies
Find out how you can lose weight and feel great with the smoothie diet! Imagine! Weight loss that’s delicious! I’m not considered a food or recipe blogger, but I have been having so much fun in the kitchen this summer! I’ve been experimenting and creating new recipes. Some have turned out so good, I just…
Chicken and Summer Veggies Foil Packs
Summer nights, cooking on the grill, and fresh veggies from the garden. Is there anything better? This meal is the ultimate taste of summer. Not only is it delicious and healthy, it is easy, with little to no clean up! Especially if you transfer it onto paper plates! Summer just got even better. I was…
Deliciously Easy Spaghetti Sauce
I absolutely loooove this spaghetti sauce!! My boyfriend also loves this. He told me, “it is the best spaghetti sauce he has ever tasted!” And no, he isn’t biased. Nor does he say anything to protect my feelings. Lol. It is just simply THAT good!! We have both had issues with traditional, store bought sauce…
5 Ways to Feel More Grounded
This post may contain affiliate links and we may earn compensation when you click on the links at no additional cost to you. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases What Does it Mean to be Grounded? To some people growing up, the term being “grounded” means being in trouble. A consequence or…
How I Keep My Guy Healthy
Since I have been home these last couple of months, I’ve been able to reprioritize my life. I’ve been doing more beneficial things for myself, such as: Self Care Practices Creating soothing and comforting spaces in and around my home Writing more Eating and expanding my healthy food choices to keep David’s and my immune…
Delicious Breakfast Oats Recipes
This post may contain affiliate links and we may earn compensation when you click on the links at no additional cost to you. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases In my blog post How I keep my guy healthy, I mentioned all the delicious, nutrient rich foods I make for David’s work…
How Will I Ever Go Back?
I know we have all had to adjust our lives some. Finding our new normal, when we were suddenly hit with change and uncertainty. All of a sudden the world was shutting down and we were overwhelmed with fear and questioning our very survival. Though we were all affected by the same pandemic, our experience…
I Am Strong
We sometimes need to see both sides of the spectrum to fully appreciate the greatness in each moment. How would we know one without the other? When we come up against our darkness, our mistakes, our flaws, our weaknesses, we are then able to see our limits and our humanness. To see where…
Sometimes it feels like the road is always uphill, there’s one more obstacle, one more ‘thing’ standing in our way. Sometimes it feels like we’ll never get better, or never reach our goals. Although we may not like dealing with our challenges, Can we see that with each stepping stone, roadblock, or…
Where You Want to Be
I know I waste a lot of time focusing and fearing the future. What’s next? What’s to come? Anticipation of, and speculation about up-coming events, and worst-case scenarios. It seems most of us are planning for this, preparing for that. Racing against the clock to get things done, to fit it all in. …
It’s Going to be a Good Day
Now that would be freaking hilarious, if it weren’t so dang true… Why do we hold onto all of our stories and painful memories of the past? Of course some things are helpful, like we remember to not touch a hot stove, but if you’re like me, it still happens, more often than…