5 Ways to Feel More Grounded

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What Does it Mean to be Grounded?

To some people growing up, the term being “grounded” means being in trouble.  A consequence or punishment for your actions or behaviors.  For adults, and those of us that are in tune with our more spiritual nature, being grounded means being in your body.  Having a secure connection to the Earth and a feeling of being more centered.

I’m sure you’ve experienced times when you feel:

  • Distracted
  • You can’t focus  
  • Scattered
  • Dizzy or flighty feeling
  • Your energy is drained
  • Stressed, or
  • Overwhelmed

These are just a few examples of what it’s like to be ungrounded.

The Miraculous Feeling of Being Grounded

Being grounded in your body

When you are in tune with you body and feel that connection, you can feel:

  • More centered
  • Focused
  • Motivated
  • Inspired
  • Calm
  • Energized
  • And Productive
  • Boosts Immune system
  • Fights Inflammation

So How Do You Become Grounded??

Now that we all know the benefits, and want to have more focus, drive, and presence in our lives.  How do we get there?

There are several ways to do this.

However, I will focus on my top 5 go-tos:

5 Ways to Become More Grounded in Your Body

  1.  Breathe.

As simple and automatic as this may sound, if you actually took a moment to realize your breath, you would be surprised to notice how shallow your breathing is.  You might even be holding your breath.  

Just the act of noticing your breath might be enough to instigate a natural deep inhale, right now!  But if you need a little more help, 

I enjoy the 5 block process.  As you inhale, count to 5, hold your breath for 5, exhale for 5 (or longer if you can), hold for 5 and repeat.  Do this at least 5 times or longer if you’d like.  I always feel a deep sense of calm after a round of deep controlled breathing.

  1.   Earthing
Being grounded in your body by earthing

Just as it sounds, getting down and dirty with the earth!  Whether that’s walking barefoot in the grass, or sand, or squishing mud between your toes. You could play in the dirt, plant something or weed your garden.  

When you make physical contact (skin to Earth) you receive Earths’ negative charged energy that your body then absorbs through your feet or hands.  This energy counter attacks the body’s positive charged energy, caused by stress and today’s overwhelming to do lists and emotional uncertainties.

Feel the cool grass on the soles of your feet, the blades tickling your toes, the dampness, and the solid foundation of energy rising up and rooting you to its core.  The result will be a centered, calming effect.

  1.   Meditation
Grounded in your body by meditation

There are so many different ways to meditate.  Some claim they can’t do it, while others can sit and meditate for hours.  It doesn’t matter how. Most likely you are, or have done it without even knowing it!  

When we think of meditation, we think chimes, bells, soft music, candles, sage, cross legged position, and a complete zen like experience.  While that is all wonderful, it doesn’t have to be that way.  

There are ways to meditate by walking, breathing (see #1 above), raking leaves, gardening, etc.  Whatever it takes to get you in the present moment.  Where you can clear your mind and be fully in tune to what you are doing.  You’re not thinking about the past or the future, just right here and right now.  

Ever wonder how you can solve all of life’s problems in the shower?  Why you automatically have a sense of peace and calm when you are in nature?  You’re not trying to solve, think or fix your problems.  The answers just come.  This happens when you are in a centered, calm, grounded and peaceful place.

  1.   Energy Medicine

When I took Donna Eden’s Energy Medicine course, I was hooked.  Energy Medicine is the ability to work with your own energy for healing, balance, and grounding.  Plus, there are so many ways of working with  the body’s different imbalances, I was fascinated by it all! There are many, many ways to ground yourself using Energy Medicine.  I will share a couple of the simpler ones with you. If you find you are just as amazed by this process as I am, I encourage you to check out her book here!

Triple Warmer– Along with feeling grounded, this can have a mental, physical and emotional impact on the body. It can also help get you out of the flight, fight or freeze response.

feeling grounded in your body by Triple warmer step 4
Step 3

Step 1. Start with your fingers over your eyes.  Inhale.

Step 2.  As you exhale, sweep your fingers across your eyes, and rest on your temples.

Step 3. With your next inhale, drag your fingers up over and behind your ears, and exhale as you slide them down the sides of your neck and throat and come to rest on your chest (heart Chakra).

Step 4.  Take another deep breath here.

Belt Flow– This is also good for hormones and digestion, in addition to feeling grounded and balanced.

Step 1. Take your right hand and reach as far as you can to the right side of your back. (closest to the spine).  Take your left hand, across your body to join with the right hand. 

Step 2. Press firmly and smoothly, pulling your hands forward, towards your belly, with your right hand chasing your left (as if you were smoothing out your belt) all the way across to your left hip.

Step 3. Take both hands down your left leg and out your feet.  Throw the energy away like you are taking off your sock.  Then repeat for the other side.

Wayne Cook’s Hook up– This will take you out of overwhelm and focus your mind.

Step 1. Extend your left hand in front of you, twist your palm facing out.  Cross your right hand over your left wrist. Palms should be facing each other. Interlock your fingers.

Step 2. Duck your hands forward and under towards your belly, and up against your chest. Cross your ankles, if you are sitting.

Step3. Take 4 slow, deep breaths, in through your nose, out through your mouth.

  1.   Yoga

I have done yoga for over 15 years.  Yoga for me, does not mean holding myself up by my pinky, as I rest my knees on my elbows, upside down. Or being able to put my leg behind my head. For me, the benefits of yoga come from the breathing, through and with the movement. The stretch, the calm, and the flow.

There are many simple poses in yoga that can give you the feeling of being more grounded in your body. –without the prerequisite of being a contortionist.–

Mountain pose (Tadasana)

Feeling grounded in your body by mountain pose

The most important thing to do is make sure your weight is evenly distributed onto your feet.

Spine is straight, shoulder blades back, pelvis is neutral.

Envision your tailbone dropping into the earth beneath you.

See the roots of a tree extend from your root chakra deep into the earth as it roots you.

Feeling grounded in your body by downward facing dog

Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

Feet and hips should be shoulder width apart.

Rooting into the earth with your hands and feet.

Sink back into your heels, while keeping your hands in position with the ground.

Breathe into the stretch.

Grounded in your body, yoga tree pose

Tree Pose (Vrksasana)

Balance is a little more key here. Try focusing on a spot in front of you.

Use the tree roots example in the Mountain pose description.

Feel your whole body stretch up towards the sky and down into the earth.


Feeling grounded in your body by savasana yoga


This is the easy one. If you know how to nap, you know how to do this one.

All you need to do is adjust your shoulder blades down your back, relax your hips, legs and feet.

Take a deep relaxing breath and feel your body sink into and feel the full support of the Earth beneath you.

I hope that you find these to be easy practices to incorporate into your daily routine.

If we can feel more grounded, everything else on our to do lists and in our life can be handled and accomplished. Coming at it from a place of ease and peace. Namaste.

In love and light and being grounded!

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14 Replies to “5 Ways to Feel More Grounded”

  1. I am in love with this post! I have wanted to write about grounding for a long time. It really helps with my anxiety. I love that you included step by step pictures for each pose and movement Robin. My two favorites are breathe and earthing. I use these regularly. Thanks- Summer

    1. Summer, Ahh, thank you so much! Yes, it does help with anxiety, which is one of the main reasons I need this in my life! I love to do my energy medicine and tai chi practices barefoot in the grass in the morning. Magnifying all the benefits at once! Thank you for your response!

  2. Love these grounding practices! I am love yoga for the effect on my mindset and well-being, not just for flexibility (since that is a challenge for me!) This is a great summary of becoming centered. Fabulous post! xx

    1. Thank you so much Kristin! I hope you can use some of these practices to add to you’re routine. It’s nice to have many options to achieve over all health and well being.

    1. Thank you Anna! Life is a little bit easier when we are grounded and centered, for sure. Hope you found some things you can find useful.

  3. I really enjoyed this post and it gave me some excellent tools to help with feeling overwhelmed which happens a lot at work. I can’t wait to implement them! Thank you for sharing.

    1. I am so happy you received some helpful tips Brittany. It is so needed to have many tools in our toolbox to beat overwhelm and every day life stressors. I hope you find them beneficial!

  4. I love this post! It’s so helpful to have all the step by step pictures. I need to be more grounded, and while I do yoga, the extra tips were definitely needed.

    1. I am so happy you enjoyed this post and found it helpful Jaime! We can all benefit from being centered. I hope it serves you well!

  5. Great post, and for busy moms the perfect one to read! I love the techniques and use yoga and meditation on a daily basis to stay/keep grounded. I had never heard of the Energy Medicine but am eager to give it a shot!

    1. Thank you Cathey. I am glad you got something out of my post. I love Energy Medicine. It is a wonderful healing tool to have. I highly recommend it! I hope you let me know how it works for you if you try it.

  6. I enjoyed reading this post and it is important that we all become more in tune with ourselves and become more grounded because we are thrown many curve balls in life that can leave us feeling ungrounded. All the poses are good and there’s variety for different people can try to determine which one they like the most. Reminds me of Yoga as well, thanks for taking the time to put this together and remind us it’s up to us stay grounded.

    1. Thank you Kelly. I am so pleased you enjoyed this post. You are exactly right about the many curve balls that life throws us. We all need a little help, especially these days. We are able to handle more things, when coming from a place of being grounded.

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